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Research Results: Green Smoothies Change Lives [part 2 of 2]

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 16, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Other positive health benefits reported by survey respondents include these:

3 people said: Hyperthyroid condition improved (reduced or gone off meds)

2 people said: Seasonal allergies gone or decreased

2 people said: Reduced asthma symptoms

7 people said: Arthritis symptoms/pain gone or reduced

2 people said: Migraines gone or reduced by 80 percent

2 people said: acne improved or gone

2 people said: eczema or dry skin cleared

Decreased blood pressure

No more hypertension

Was able to go off cholesterol meds

Was able to go off Prilosec

Haven’t gotten sick in a year like I always do

Moles disappeared

Deep facial wrinkles “barely noticeable”

Less nasal congestion

Lump on leg getting smaller

Liver spots fading

Tendonitis gone

Muscle soreness gone

Hypoglycemia improved

No more bloating, gas, indigestion, constipation

Avoided a hysterectomy, lifelong menstrual problems returned to normal

Easier to breastfeed

Don’t sunburn any more

Grey hair returned to original dark color

Depression symptoms gone

Lifelong bad breath gone in two weeks

Ended coffee addiction

Just feel better


The risks of a new green smoothie habit are limited to an 18.5 percent chance of a short-term, uncomfortable cleansing reaction.   The top six benefits that people experience when starting a green smoothie habit are, in order, more energy, improved digestion, fewer cravings for sweets and processed food, a more positive/stable mood, improved skin, and weight loss.


It’s hard to look at this data without being compelled to give green smoothies a try!

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Green Smoothies, Health Concerns

8 thoughts on “Research Results: Green Smoothies Change Lives [part 2 of 2]”

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  1. I heard that you can put aloe vera in your gren somoothies. Are the leaves poisonous and do you just squezze out the gel?

    Also , what would be the best steps for combating degenerative disc disease?

  2. I have green smoothies often, but you’ve convinced me that I need to have them daily! Great data – I might just quote you on my blog (with full credit of course!)

  3. Anonymous says:

    I have had many of the same benefits as this list and just wanted to add a positive benefit that I found in my life that wasn’t mentioned above. I am 56 years old and had regular, monthly menstrual cycles up UNTIL I started drinking green smoothies. Then my menstrual cycles stopped completely and have never come back! None of that on and off stuff either. I remember what Dr Campbell said in The China Study about early onset and late cessation of menstruation being prevalent in societies eating the SAD diet (hence longer exposure to breast and ovarian cancer) and earlier ages of mentrual cycles ending in societies eating whole, plant based foods! I thought I was going to have menstral cycles forever until green smoothies! 🙂

  4. Anonymous says:

    I think I forgot to mention that my allergies to pollen etc virtually disappeared. I now KNOW it was green smoothies because I have not been drinking them for a month, and my allergies are BACK. Yikes! I also have a weird skin reaction to being touched that disappeared too. That alone is worth drinking them forever, even if they weren’t so fabulously YUMMY!

    Green smoothies got me off what I thought would be, a lifetime of Zyrtec. I am so relieved and happy!

  5. Anonymous says:

    If you ever have more specific info on the people who are seeing improvements with the hyperthyroid situation, I would love to know. I just found out I have Graves Disease (hyperthyroid), and so I am tempted to try the smoothies, but I just don’t want to get my hopes up for no reason. I would not wish GD on anyone, and if there’s really a chance for improvement, it would be a great thing to get out there. Thanks!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hi Tara:

    I have Graves Disease too and have had great improvements by going high raw and daily green smoothies. Was on 3 PTU/daily and over time decreased it and now am on half a pill. I am scheduled for my next appt at the end of April with endocrinologist to check blood work for T4 and T3 levels. You are welcome to catch me at


  7. Hello Robyn. 🙂 Reading these health benefits is a super motivator! I’ve been drinking my green (albeit lumpy) green smoothies now for three weeks. Actually, twice a day, every day!

    I am curious to know if you have ever spoken to the kind people at Blentec to see if they would consider giving away a blender to one of your readers, with all of the advertising that you do for them. With my husband having left me after having an affair, and divorcing me, we have so many financial needs. I am praying for a Blentec, so that I can make my smoothies with the hard to swallow lumps, and know that without help, I am not able to purchase one on my own. The physical benefits have been tremendous for me, in just the three weeks I’ve been drinking them. I know they’d be better with a Blentec!

    I hope you are having a wonderful day! Blessings!, Robin

  8. Anonymous says:

    I have been drinking green smoothies for about a week now. I recently also had a flare up of eczema, hopefully my body is just detoxing, I am going for a cortizone shot later today.

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