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{VIDEO!} Rebuild Your Gut Health for a NICKEL–and this takes 5 minutes!

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 29, 2016 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

What if, with things you probably already have in your kitchen, you could really begin to rehab your digestive issues….with a five-minute, five-cent habit?

With just a handful of grain, I can show you a way to get lots of living, probiotic organisms repopulating your 35 feet of gastrointestinal tract to help restore your gut health.

Add this ONE easy habit to your diet, and lay off the white flour, excessive animal protein, and acidic foods like soda. You can begin to make very fast progress towards repairing leaky gut, Crohn’s, IBS, or any other inflammatory issue causing constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and tummyaches.

Just taking a probiotic pill doesn’t rebuild your immunity–most of which is in your gut!–because probiotics can support a healthy microbiome, but not rebuild it!

woman suffering with pain from digestive issues

Americans are suffering from an epidemic of inflammatory bowel diseases, and most of us are suffering from the symptoms without being diagnosed yet!

I had gut health issues, too, in my 20’s, and resolved them with a whole-foods diet shift. I didn’t give up delicious food, or my pleasure in eating. I just discovered new foods, that were inexpensive and easy. I’m teaching the 12 Steps to Whole Foods that I discovered, on my own journey back to excellent health.

And the class is free! Sign up to attend here. This is my favorite subject to teach, because 99% of America has no idea how avoidable, and how easily reversed, many, or even most, of their health conditions are!

Our health problems over 20 years ago ended up being one of the greatest blessings of my family’s life. Because it led to some education, some foundational knowledge, and some easy habits that have us all now thriving and living a life I couldn’t even dream of, 25 years ago!

Good bacteria can help restore your gut health

Sign up for the free class, and also, grab my $0.05 recipe and video tutorial right now, for a very easy idea that can get your gut health going back the right direction. That is, towards a healthy internal population of 10 healthy organisms, for every 1 bad organism (bacteria or virus or yeast). With the right balance, the “good guys” can keep the “bad guys” in check!

(Most Americans, unfortunately, according to the work of Dr. Bernard Jensen, have the exact opposite–10-to-1 bad bacteria! What this means is that you’re wide open to getting a serious bacterial infection–or worse, a difficult-to-correct candida overgrowth, or even cancer.)

After all, 85 percent of your immune function exists in the microbiome, your “second brain,” the gut.

Dr. Ann Wigmore
Dr. Ann Wigmore was an early pioneer in the use of living foods for detoxifying and healing the body, mind, and spirit.

Just tell me you want it, and I’ll send you a quick video tutorial, and a recipe that can be used in something simple you do every day, to get back on a path to good health. It’s free just for the asking, and your Inbox will instantly receive the video and recipe. And my class on Sept. 1 is free, too, that you can attend online at 12 Noon, or 7 PM MST.

Most of what I see, being sold to rehab the gastrointestinal tract, is very expensive and doesn’t even work. This habit has been an important part of my lifestyle for many years, and I learned it from the amazing Dr. Ann Wigmore, who beat colon cancer in the 1950’s with a healthy diet.

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food

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