My friend Nancy drops 100+ lbs.
My longtime friend Nancy is a radio personality. I’ve done a couple of shows with her, most recently to talk about the release of The Adventures of Junk Food Dude. Nancy’s youngest child, Anna, refuses to drink soda and loves green smoothies, after they did an experiment and measured the amount of sugar that was in their daily diet, which shocked the kids. (Alex isn’t quite as eager, but Nancy’s working on it. He eats apples and fruit leather now instead of candy bars.)
Nancy emailed me last week asking about dehydrators. Like all of us, she keeps taking baby steps towards the healthiest lifestyle possible. She told me since I saw her last, she has lost ANOTHER 40 lbs., so I demanded photos. Holy cow, this hot mama looks better than she has in the 17 years I’ve known her, and as you can see in these before and after photos, she’s lost over 100 lbs. total.
I wanted to know HOW. She eats tons of veggies and fruits. She sticks to the outside of the store and stays away from processed foods in the middle. Occasionally she eats a little Chex cereal or a multi-grain cracker, but, she says, “for the most part, I am all about things looking like they came in nature when I eat them.”
[This reminds me of what my grandmother said to me once, when I was talking to her about how she cured herself of Stage III cancer with strict adherence to the Gerson diet, and then just ate a very healthy diet for the rest of her life. She said: “It’s not what you do once in a while that’s going to kill you. It’s what you do every day that’s going to save you.”]
Nancy paid attention to what foods bothered her, and she eliminated gluten and other sensitivities she identified, like dairy products.
She told me she eats corn products but worried about the fact that most of it is genetically modified. I told her I eat only ORGANIC corn products. Did you know that if it’s organic, it’s also NOT genetically modified? I just told Nancy that.
Nancy is one of the founders of They are doing four shows this summer that you will find interesting:
- While losing 100 lbs., Nancy also lost her identity
- A mom’s body effects changes in her child’s body image
- Maintaining the changes to your body long term (guest: a woman four years past a 110 lb. weight loss)
- Re-establishing your identity after any major change (weight loss, divorce, job change, family loss, etc)
I hope you enjoy Nancy’s before-and-after photos. They show how external and powerful the difference is when we eat whole foods, and listen to our body’s needs and respond to them.
Posted in: Healthy Weight, Mind/Body Connection
Similarly, I released 130lbs from a top weight of 354, one year after both my parents died in 2009. I pretty much slept the entirety of 2010 as I had been sole caregiver to them for the previous 16 years and felt quite spent. When I awoke in 2011 having to pin up all my pants, I realized I had released scads of leeching life thieves and naysayers from my life as well. 2012 finds me juicing and eating whole foods, 80 lbs. from my 154.6 lbs. (70kilos) goal weight, yet still seeing myself as a 354 lbs. broken person. Working to make a breakthrough by the time GREEN SMOOThiE GIRL comes back to Georgia’s Market in the Houston TX area in the fall. You are an inspiration, Nancy. YOU GO, GIRL!!!
WAY TO GO GIRL… and thank you for taking your children on the same journey. Wish more parents would love their children enough to save their lives with proper nutrition. You are a great role model to anyone out there who thinks it can’t be done.
Nancy, You’re amazing!! I always admire the kind of will power it takes in someone’s life to make such great changes. Sticking to it a step at a time, you won!!
Nancy you look marvelous and I am so proud of you, keep up the good work. Robyn thank you so much for sharing the pictures. I really enjoyed your class on Saturday, June 9th in Evanston. I encouraged my sister to attend and she enjoyed the class as well! Looking for the next class in Chicago. I purchased the Greesmoothie Diet book and use it almost every day. Thank you Robyn. Shalas
Great testimony and proof of how able and willing our bodies are to change. Thank you to Nancy and Robyn both for sharing with us. I love your grandmother’s quote, Robyn. It is spot on! May I use it with attribution to her? Healthful blessings to you and your continued great work.
Heather, of course. 🙂 I hope my grandmother’s words have impact on many.
What an inspirational story! Thank you so much for sharing you Nancy and all that you are doing to improve your health! Stories like this are so encouraging as a lot of us know it’s so darn hard to change what we have been used to doing for 20+, 30+ years.
Your grandmother’s words just became my new mantra. Thanks!
Robin, some time ago I read in one of your books (I think) a comment form a gal who
dehyddrated some greens to use in smoothies in hard time. Could you tell me which of your books that was in. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Mary Moss
mary, I don’t remember—I think it was here on the blog? Just dehydrate any greens, you can do that easily. 🙂
I started a couple weeks ago on the green smoothies. I had one each day in place of a meal. I loved them right off the bat. I could tell almost right away that they gave me more energy. I was not tired and yawning all day. I had been on them for about a week and then went out of town for a few days and did not have them. I was feeling tired. I am back on them again. Next time I go out of town, I will make some ahead of time and put in the cooler. They give me so much energy, I don’t want to go without.
goodness, the change is awesome! i hope one day something similar can happen to me …. (i am on psych meds, and some old prescriptions made me gain over 100 lb… but i am finally at a steady weight and not gaining, so i am hoping i can start to lose). i bought a blender that makes one cup per use, it was $14.99, and i am going to start making smoothies. 🙂