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More Experts on Colon Cleansing . . . part 9 of 9

Robyn Openshaw - Jul 26, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Sir Arbuthnut Lane was a surgeon for the King of England and specialized in bowel issues. He removed parts of the colon and sewed the rest back together, and in the course of his practice, he noticed that many times, patients after surgery would have goiters or arthritis disappear, etc. Often, seemingly unrelated maladies improved after removing diseased sections of the colon.

He became so aware of how toxic digestive systems are linked to the other organs of the body that he spent the last 25 years of his life teaching people nutrition, rather than performing surgery. He said this:

“All maladies are due to the lack of certain food principles, such as mineral salts or vitamins, to the absence of the normal defenses of the body, such as the natural protective flora. When this occurs, toxic bacteria invade the lower alimentary canal, and the poisons thus generated pollute the bloodstream and gradually deteriorate and destroy every tissue, gland and organ of the body.”

If pictures speak a thousand words, look at the color photos in Bernard Jensen’s book. (You can also find this kind of thing googling on the internet.) They show rubbery material expelled from many colons during colemas (home colonics) and a cleansing program. Often, pieces are several feet long, the precise shape of specific parts of the bowel. It is hard as tire rubber, held up with tongs. Perhaps any modern doctor who insists this doesn’t happen in the human digestive tract has spent too much time prescribing drugs and not enough time actually studying the inside of that organ.

When Dr. Jensen attended National College in Chicago, they performed surgeries on 300 people. Patients’ histories said that 285 claimed they weren’t constipated, and 15 claimed they were. Autopsies showed the exact opposite: 285 were constipated (despite reports that they had up to 5-6 bowel movements a day), and in some of them, “the bowel walls were encrusted with material (in one case peanuts) which had been lodged there for a very long time,” and the bowels were up to 12 inches in diameter. Dr. Jensen concluded that the average patient does not know whether or not he is constipated. At a class I taught this week, one woman said, “I don’t have constipation: I have chronic diarrhea.” She seemed a little shocked when I told her that people with diarrhea are usually constipated, too. It’s not an either/or proposition.

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who lived to 91, said that we should completely eliminate the residue of each meal 15 to 18 hours after eating it. He said 90% of modern diseases are due to colon problems. And what is the way to eliminate your risk of colon diseases? A high-fiber GreenSmoothieGirl diet rich in the natural anti-cancer compounds found in raw plant foods, of course. No chemotherapy, surgery, or even vitamin pill will ever be able to do what live compounds in real food can. A number of you during this blog series have wondered how you can cleanse totally, without spending the money. Just keep doing each step of your GreenSmoothieGirl program in a committed way, and you can experience miraculous results over a longer timespan!

And with those few more words from experts, my friends, is the end of this topic. Finally.

Here are all the posts in this series on elimination:
Part 1: Green Feces
Part 2: Foods That Cause Constipation
Part 3: Relieving Constipation
Part 4: Natural Laxatives
Part 5: Relief For Intestinal Gas And Bloating
Part 6: Chronic Constipation
Part 7: Best Colon Cleanse
Part 8: Body Cleansing
Part 9: More Experts On Colon Cleansing

 (Edited Sept. 2014)

Posted in: Detox, Green Smoothies

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