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K’Lynne Still Going Strong!

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 09, 2013 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Pheonix sign 2You may remember K’Lynne, from tiny Phoenix, Oregon. She did the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course and lost 100 pounds.


K’Lynne’s before picture

I saw her in Minneapolis in June, where she brought her mother to my lecture. She’s shy and quiet, but she’ll answer questions in front of a big audience. I said, regarding how she cashed in the Size 22 jeans, pictured below, for her current Size 8:

Did you eat yucky food? (No.)

Can kids do this? (Yes. They’re trickier.)

What about your husband? (Yes. He lost weight and got off heart disease medications.)

K’Lynne says, “I look and feel better than I have in my entire life.”

K'Lynn 2

K’Lynne and Robyn with the “old” jeans, size 22.

That’s not the end of the story. So 1,500 GSG readers–and I, and some of the coaches–just finished the 26-day GSG Detox. We’re doing it again starting January 5, stand by for more information. I’ve read a couple hundred Questionnaires filled out by detoxers. I have LOTS of them to share, but I’ll share just a few in the my next blog. I really just want to share what I read from K’Lynne–so much healthier, but now post-detox, an even better version of herself!


K’Lynne feeling and looking great today.

“I have never done a detox before, so I didn’t know what to expect, but it was amazing. I loved it. I loved knowing I was helping my body to perform better, and I loved the empowering feeling I had throughout this whole experience. I was able to lose 12 lbs! I had been stuck at the same weight for a while not being able to get past it. I loved the full support, having a forum where you could get your questions answered. Being able to hear from others was great! I also loved the required buddy, which made all the difference, knowing I couldn’t let my buddy down. The live Q&A sessions with Robyn and the other coaches were also fabulous.

Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this detox program. It is amazing and I am becoming a Lifetime Member, looking forward to doing it again with you!”

K’Lynne W. in Phoenix, Oregon

Posted in: Healthy Weight, Whole Food

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