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Juana eliminates muscle and joint pain with an easy smoothie recipe

Robyn Openshaw - Jul 15, 2013 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

My cleaning lady, Juana, who is basically the best thing that ever happened to me, has lost 20 lbs. in the past few months. Kristin asked her how, and she said, “I eat what Robyn teaches. Plants.”

She does my green smoothies, hot pink smoothies, fermented foods, the works. She’s helped me for at least 10 years, and always asks about what weird deal is going on, in my kitchen. Then she goes home and does it.

No, sorry you can’t have Juana’s number because EVERYONE wants her, and there’s only one of her to go around! Seriously, she works for all my friends. And she told me years ago to stop giving people her number. I pay her $5/hour more than anyone else, and do random bonuses too, not only because I love her, but also so that when she quits somebody, it isn’t me.

Anyway, Juana looks beautiful. She’s light on her feet, important in such a physical job, and her skin is gorgeous. She isn’t sorry to have released 20 pounds.

Lately she’s been toting around a concoction I thought you might like to know about it. It’s actually yummy, and it leverages lots of ingredients KNOWN to decrease inflammation, and therefore pain. Enjoy!


12 raw almonds, soaked overnight and drained

1 ½ cups water

1 cup fresh pineapple (freeze pineapple chunks for a cold/frozen smoothie)

1 banana (frozen in chunks)

1 medium carrot

1 tsp. turmeric

1 tsp. ginger

1 tsp. cinnamon

Blend water and almonds for 60-90 seconds until very smooth. Add all other ingredients and blend all until smooth. Juana drinks this throughout the day.


Posted in: Green Smoothies, Recipes

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