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Jenna D.’s Favorite Recipes

Robyn Openshaw - Oct 16, 2013 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Great recipes are HALF THE BATTLE! Not every recipe we try is a keeper, but once you have 10 main dishes your family loves, you’re done! That’s what the average American family makes—10 main dishes. These are some fun ideas Jenna hopes your family loves like hers does!

Seed Crackers

1/2 cup chia seeds

1 cup sunflower seeds

1 cup pumpkin seeds (pepitas)

1 cup sesame seeds

1 3/4 cups water

2 large garlic cloves (or 2 tsp minced)

3/4 tsp onion

1/2 tsp sea salt, or to taste

Our favorite combos are kelp granules with the sea salt, or 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast for “cheesy” flavor with sun-dried tomatoes, or rosemary with the sea salt.

In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients together, then add the water and stir until it gets thick. Spread less than 1/4 inch thick so it is almost transparent, but not quite (patch “holes” as needed with more of the mixture).

Can be baked at 325 degrees (on parchment paper) for 30 min one side, then flipped & 25-30 min on the other until golden brown, allowing to cool completely on the pan.

OR (more nutritious, takes longer):

Dehydrated for 10-15 hours at 100-115 degrees.

Yield: 2 dehydrator trays or 2 baking sheets (about 44 fairly large-sized crackers)

 Kefir Cream Cheese

We use this as a spread for wraps, seed crackers (above), rice cakes, and as a substitute for cream cheese in recipes! Learn to make kefir (easy and inexpensive) in Ch. 8 of Robyn’s 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

Use whatever amount of kefir you typically have from your grains. I start with a quart of milk with my grains & will get about 3 cups of kefir.

Put kefir in doubled cheesecloth or 100% cotton dishcloth. Tie and hang from something (cupboard doors in my case) over a glass bowl. I recently purchased a stand-alone jelly strainer for $6 that is awesome, because then I don’t have to worry about opening my cupboard doors that are attached to the kefir.

Let drip 12-24 hours covered (so bugs can’t get to either the cheese or the whey). The longer you let it drip, the stronger the flavor, so for sweeter recipes, let it drip for less time.

The liquid in the bowl is whey that can be used to ferment other things (like milk or veggies), so do not throw it away!

The kefir is now in a soft cheese form (about 1 cup), ready to be spread as-is. Or you can add whatever spices/herbs you choose! We love chives or rosemary or even just a little bit of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt. I’ve also added a bit of maple syrup and mixed in some berries for a quick dessert. So delicious!

Lacto-Fermented Salsa 

Ingredients and Supplies:

2.5 – 3 lbs of tomatoes of choice

1-2 onions (or a large bunch of green onions

4-6 cloves of minced garlic

Fresh cilantro to taste (I use about a cup)

1 lemon, juiced

1 lime, juiced (optional)

1 Tbsp sea salt

Spices to taste (oregano, pepper, cumin, chili, cayenne)

2-3 Peppers (sweet or spicy)

1/2 cup whey (from your kefir, see Kefir Cream Cheese recipe)


Chop tomatoes, peppers, onion by hand or with a food processor. Chop cilantro by hand and mince garlic.

Toss all ingredients into large bowl.

Add the juice of the lemon and lime.

Add salt and spices to taste.

Add whey and stir well to incorporate.

Pour into quart or half-gallon size mason jars leaving a couple of inches head space, and cap tightly.

Leave on the counter for approximately 2-3 days (it should look bubbly).

Transfer to fridge or cold storage.

Can last months if kept cold and flavor will intensify slightly over time.

Basic Raw Maple Almond Cookie

3 cups almonds, blend to a flour and transfer to a mixing bowl (or buy almond meal)


3/8 C maple syrup

1/4 tsp sea salt

1 tsp vanilla

Mix well. Fill a Tablespoon with packed dough and tap it into your hand, until it comes out.

Turn it with the round side up, and press a 1/2 tsp. spoon into the middle of the cookie, cupping your hand around it to have a smooth indent.

Dehydrate 4-5 hours. When they are dehydrated, squirt on some chocolate sauce..

Raw Chocolate Sauce

3/4 C raw cacao powder

1 C pure maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla

1/8 tsp. sea salt

2 T coconut oil, warmed to liquefy.

I like to run a glass under hot water, then stir the coconut oil in it, to melt it.

Mix in a blender for best results. Then pour into an old squirt bottle, so you can drizzle anything you like.|

Raw Teriyaki Vegetable Salad


1 med. yellow squash, spiralized

2 med. zucchini, spiralized


1/2 yellow bell pepper, thinly sliced

1/2 red bell pepper, thinly sliced

1/2 orange bell pepper, thinly sliced

1-2 C broccoli, chopped small

1/2 C carrots, shredded

1/2 C sugar snap peas

Teriyaki Sauce

1/2 C nama shoyu

1/2 C extra virgin olive oil

1/4 C honey

1 sm. clove garlic, pressed

3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice

1/4 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp ginger

1/8 tsp cayenne pepper

1/4 C walnuts (for thickening)

Blend until smooth. Pulse in: 1 Tbsp Sesame Seeds

Take a portion of the salad and drizzle on as much sauce as you want. Enjoy!

I added a skewer of pineapple dipped in the sauce and dehydrated about 20 minutes. Mmmm!

The cookies & raw vegetable salad are from a friend’s blog:

Oat Groat Cereal

Soak 2-3 cups of raw oat groats overnight (they almost double in size after soaking)

Add approx 2 cups almond milk (or water) depending on if you like a thick or thin consistency

1 tsp vanilla

1-2 bananas (depending on how sweet you like it & how big the batch is)

a pinch of sea salt (optional)

Blend until it’s an oatmeal-type consistency

We like to top it with cinnamon, almonds, and goji berries!


Posted in: Recipes, Relationships

One thought on “Jenna D.’s Favorite Recipes”

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  1. Isabella says:

    These recipes look delicious and are also so healthy! I am so excited to try the raw almond cookie and the chocolate sauce. Yum!

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