James Lautner: Green Smoothies Are a Weight-Loss Miracle
James came to our Bakersfield class with his girlfriend, and his grandma who has a brain tumor. He has an amazing story, found GreenSmoothieGirl.com a year ago, where he wrote the day he found my blog. (His story is found in response to my musings on the book Eat, Pray, Love in June, 2010.)
Since then he has lost 90 POUNDS and can run and enjoy his life now! Here is his “BEFORE” photo, and here’s a little video of him talking to me after class. Do you have a story like this in you–but maybe you’re at the start of the journey?
GO JAMES! You’re an inspiration!
Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Green Smoothies, Healthy Weight
Phenomenal story! Thank you, James, for sharing with us and being an inspiration. Very happy for you. It’s also cool to see that you’re already touching the lives of those you love around you. Keep going!
That is an incredibly inspiring story. Good for you to inspire others to make positive changes in their life.
Awesome James! U inspire me to get moving!
THis is an incredible story! I love it!
I am still big into green smoothies. My kids have become bored with them. We bought a Zoku INstant Popsicle maker and turned them back into green smoothie lovers of the instant-freeze kind! :>)