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Introducing the hot women of Total Care Dental: GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 2 of 4]

Robyn Openshaw - Feb 20, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I’m thrilled to work with Total Care Dental for the GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover pilot. Kels, from BlendTec (an amazing filmmaker) calls them the Hot Dental Office.

These ladies are hot, no lie. (I could tell Kels reaaaaallllly wanted us to pick them!)

Michelle Jorgenson is a dentist who employs half a dozen support staff. All women, all moms–three of them single moms. (Turns out her hygienist is a woman my son calls Mama Mecham, because her son and mine are close friends, and my son is at her house a lot.)

I’m excited to work with them because of the opportunity to impact many people. Dr. Jorgenson is not only a mother of four, but also a professional dedicated to total health, not just cleanings and fillings! She originally came to my site when her female-dentist MasterMind group from all over the U.S. met on the phone. A dentist in San Diego sent all the others to Dr. J was amazed to find that I am less than 10 miles from her.

(Recently a local wrote us that she was told about by her friend in Australia. I love the internet, and how information travels at the speed of light! It’s so awesome when that viral info is positive info. An example of how “life is one eternal round.”)

Not only will we be going into the homes of these women, but we’ll be watching them roll out changes in the office and watching the impact in their lives. One mom is going through a divorce. Another has a baby and is excited to avoid the mistakes I made with my own first baby. (I weaned him onto formula and processed food and dairy milk–to disastrous consequences.)

One mom is a marathon runner and wants to cut her time. (We bonded over our love of competitive sports.) I told her I just *have* to get her started on Hot Pink!

Maybe Mama Mecham’s children’s photos will run here on the blog soon, since she tried green smoothies for the first time recently, and one green mustache actually landed on the forehead as well as upper lip–she also captured her 9-y.o. having a crying tantrum on the floor.

Dr. J will host an event for her patients that I’ll speak at. We’ll watch her and her hygienist discuss the impact of nutrition on dental health, with their patients, one on one, too.

I’m so excited to work with Total Care Dental! We’re getting them blenders and 12 Steps and setting up our first shoot, on-location.

Enjoy the Hot Dental Office demo video here!

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Lifestyle, Videos, Whole Food

12 thoughts on “Introducing the hot women of Total Care Dental: GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 2 of 4]”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Will you be posting the video here on the blog? Thanks

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Diane, yes I will!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Cute video. I think Robyn made a great choice with this group of gals. Good luck to all of you! Robyn, how can we follow these stories on the East coast. Will they be on cable TV?

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Kathy, don’t know yet! At a minimum, these shows will air on BlendTec’s (HUGE) Youtube channels, the GSG channel, my site, and will be packaged in the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course to help inspire others down the road. However, we hope to be picked up by a network and of course, if we do, we’ll announce that here!

  3. Anonymous says:

    As a matter of fact, I was looking for a new dental office… this one looks nice. 🙂

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi, just thought i would let you know i found you (while finding the raw food path) and that i love what you are doing! i love the smoothies. I’m getting an omniblend soon. Do you know of that blender? It’s a 3 hp that works just as good as the vita or the blentec but for only $250, I’m just really glad i have not had money and have done lots of looking around.

    By the way I’m a Utah resident as well, West Valley City. I will certainly keep an eye out for your Utah gatherings/seminars! maybe i will get to meet you one day. if you know of Dan McDonald-he lives in Califonia-he is the guy that i saw pretty much in the begining of my raw food interest. i bumped into his vids while looking for wheatgrass info. before seeing him i really had no clue as to the raw food diet! i really never paid a lot of attention to what i ate, although i did eat pretty healthy. i use to drink coffee but i have been free of that for about 6 months now. loving this raw foodist thing a lot better! again, your great!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’m excited to watch all the progress with these ladies and pick up more tips for myself along the way. Thanks Robyn! 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    Great video clip….I love it. I know one of the girls that work there and she is awesome! It will be fun to follow all the people that you have chosen to be a part of the TV Pilot and learn the 12 steps to Whole Foods from the Green Smoothie Girl and your legendary path.

    Thanks Robyn! :~)

  7. Anonymous says:

    This is exciting. Total Care is my dental group. I started going to them years ago because they were on the cutting edge of dental work. Now I have both them and the Green Smoothie Girl to help me stay on the right path for eating and health. My two worlds are coming together. Does this mean a green smoothie cookie at the dental office?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Total Care Dental rocks! These women are amazing on and off the job. I have had great results with the work I have had done at there office. I recommend everyone I know who needs a dentist to go there. Plus they are all Hot Mama’s, and funny 🙂 This is all sounding so interesting I cant wait to see what’s next…

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