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Introducing Karen Wilbert, GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 3 of 4]

Robyn Openshaw - Feb 21, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

When I watched Karen Wilbert, I turned to Kels and said, “She really touches me. I want to work with her.” I was deeply moved by Karen’s story of six family members undergoing gastric bypass, including both parents and 4 siblings! Two of them have had the procedure twice!

When she came to my home to interview, she walked with a cane. But this is a big improvement since she was once on a feeding tube for a year! She lost 60 lbs. because of malnutrition.

Karen’s health challenges are daunting. Multiple sclerosis is not a quick or easy thing to turn around, like cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and overweight can be. Fatigue and depression mean that we have to fight through early, serious roadblocks to get to the good stuff–the dividends of lifestyle change.

I told her, “We can’t and don’t promise any specific ‘cures’ of health problems.” But Karen is BRAND NEW to the GSG lifestyle and I’m excited to see what happens, because there’s nowhere to go but up, when you’ve hit rock bottom. I was looking for people whose spouses are not highly resistant (uneducated, or mild resistance, yes–all-out opposition, no). Karen’s husband will support this.

I told her, “I’m thrilled to be part of your journey, and I want to educate and help you. My one concern is this: Will you get out of bed and do this?

With many tears, she stated her commitment. Please give her your encouragement in response to this blog entry! Tell her your own experience and give her some love!

I think Karen is ready to live. She is more than 2 years younger than I am–41 years old, far too young to be the “living dead.” Please view her video here.

Posted in: Health Concerns, Lifestyle, Videos, Whole Food

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