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ideas from readers, part 1 of 3

Robyn Openshaw - Jun 27, 2010 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

GSG reader Brynna came up to me at the gym yesterday. She said a friend of hers doesn’t want to lose the benefits of green smoothies while they go camping, so she made LEATHER out of her GS in the dehydrator. It worked great! (Be sure to chase it with a big glass of water! All dehydrated foods need their water back, and they’ll take it from your stomach in the form of digestive juices if you don’t supply that water.) This is also a great idea when you are flying (rather than driving).

I always take a cooler of frozen pints of GS with me on road trips, but that works only when you’re in a hotel. Keep them covered in ice if there’s no fridge. Take straws, thaw a few hours before using, and shake well before drinking.

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Whole Food

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