I Never Knew My Green-Smoothie Habit Was Making a Difference!
Sometimes I re-post comments my readers make, because….I think they’re important enough not to get buried. Because someone said something pithy or cool or weird. Or because it’s my blog and I just feel like it.
In response to my post “Classroom Rewards That Aren’t Food”:
Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I’m new! Just bought your book, which is brill. When should I drink my green smoothies, and how many times a day?
Answer: Sue, you can have green smoothies WHENEVER YOU WANT, as much as you want!
I drink mine at the baseball game, in the car, at the tennis match, in the airport, at my classes. The more publicly, the better. The more people who see, RIGHT ON! Turned up noses, gagging sounds, jokes? Bring it. That’s just a first reaction. Starts a conversation and in 90 seconds of my telling WHY I do it, they’re 80% more likely to go make something GREAT happen in their daily food regimen.
Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: As an elementary music teacher, I have to explain that my green smoothie isn’t kryptonite or mold. (No coffee or soda for me!) Several students wrote me thank-you letters at the end of the year and drew pictures of my green smoothies (your drink). I didn’t realize it had made any kind of impression! I quoted you about sugar being “the nice girl’s crack cocaine” and asked friends on facebook to join me in the sugar bet….no takers so far! —Sandi
Answer: Sandi, kryptonite, mold. Haha! Realizing WHAT AN IMPACT we make when we set a nutritional example. Isn’t it AMAZING?! In no area of life are people MORE desperate for a Pied Piper than in the arena of NUTRITION. It’s like people need to be led out of the abyss, through the Red Sea, somewhere better than the hell of lupus, high blood pressure, and obesity they’re living in. We need as many examples as possible. On average, when people hear it from the 3rd person, that’s when they start listening.
None of your friends wanna give up their cocaine? Heh. Well, that’s too bad, but do it with me and Matthew and we can all feel superior, holier than thou. (I’m kidding. We’re doing it, and we’ll tell about how great we feel, and more people will join in…..when they’re ready. Maybe after they get the flu this winter.)
In response to my blog entry, “How much is your health worth?” Victoria invoked this saying (let us know if you are aware of the author):
“A person with their health has hundreds of dreams. A person without their health has ONE.”
Posted in: Green Smoothies
Hi Robyn: could you please do a video on how to make kefir with milk and kefir with coconut? Also, if you drink the Rejuvelac, do you still drink kefir? – on the same day? – do you alternate?
I have been drinking green smoothies off and on for the past 2 years. I enjoyed them and they tasted great but I didn’t really drink them enough to see any changes. I now make up a batch in the am or pm and put them in 2 cup canning jars in the fridge. Having instant green smoothies has changed it all for me. I take them with me every where. I drink them between meals, I used to make poor snack choices which led to poor meal choices. I always felt hungry. Green smoothies are nourishing I try and drink them first before any other food. People at my sons TKD classes are now learning about and drinking green smoothies. They are excited about the physical benefits from drinking them. For me Green smoothies have helped reshape my taste buds. I used to be addicted to sugar and bad carbs and it gave me terrible head fog. Now most days are crystal clear with no more depression. Green smoothies give you a choice and help you beat those cravings. I have taken up old hobbies and started some new ones, even made some great new friendships with other like minded people. I have lost a few pounds and hope to loose more. I have taken up making the rejuvelac also. If I can only prove to my husband that he would have that same health benefits if he drank them more often. He is skeptical. Robyn thank you for the crusade. I have been learning from your blog for a while but only today did I realized that it works just by looking back and where I was 4-6 months ago.
Hi Robyn, Yep your definitely making a difference especially over here in Reno. We have been spreading the word for the past couple years but would you believe in the past 2 weeks at least 6 people have said ” Oh Green smoothie girl”? Yes, I know who your speaking about and they already had the website info. We are so used to writing down the info but it was great that they were already dabbling in it but anxious to hear more about nuts/seeds and the non pasturized almonds. I’m happy to see how many GSG fans you have and continue to gain. 🙂
This is off the subject, but I was wondering if you could recommend make up and skin care products. I figured that you used some without all the chemicals. Also, have you ever read in all your studies, something that would help a person with seizures. My 8 yr. old son has had abscence seizures for about 3 years, and I have searched for something to help him, but haven’t been successful so far. I refuse to take him to a regular doctor, because I know they will just put him on medication. Any information will be GREATLY appreciated. It is amazing that we are rarely sick, but I can’t figure out how to help him stop having seizures., Also, thanks for all your info on your website. I can’t wait to try Rejuvelac. I can’t wait to see you in Houston. I am coming with 6 of my friends.
Hey Robyn, I was at your Kennewick meeting tonight! I was the one with the baby who won the chocolate protein powder. There were many people so I understand if you don’t remember. But I didn’t have time to grab you in line to ask you my questions… but I have 2 children of my 4 who are lactose intolerant. So they have been on soy milk as their milk substitute. One can have a little dairy, like cheese and yogurt and any other foods with dairy in it. But the other really doesn’t do very well with even a little dairy in her meals like cream of chicken, etc. You mentioned the negatives to Soy products and soy milk. My only worry is how will my children get the calcium and protein they need to grow? What can I fee my kids as a healthy snack instead of cheese sticks or yogurt, other than carrot, apples and celery sticks? I did buy your 12 steps course manual, which I know might answer my questions. But I didn’t know if you had a words of advice for my situation.
Thank you for coming tonight. I really enjoyed it. I have family in Portland who are going to your class tomorrow. I admit I have contemplated taking the drive in the morning to go to that class too with them!!! Thank you again for giving information to help save and guide people to healthier lives.
Thank you thank you thank you!!! Attended your class in Kennewick, WA last night & your message was just as poweful in person as I thought it would be. I have reached a state of being desperate about my own health but now feel that there is hope and I have tools to turn my health & life around.
Again, thank you for your research & efforts to really reach people!!
Hi Robyn, I have the same questions as Debbie! Does Rejuvelac replace kefir for you? Or just more cultured goodness? It was great to hear you in Kennewick!!
Dear Robyn,
i, like Debbie, have questions about kefir. I am lucky to have the opportunity to buy local raw goat’s milk to make my kefir. I have been making it for over a year now and I have not been sick one day since I started drinking green smoothies with kefir. After reading “The China Study”, I am wondering about keeping any dairy in my diet. After reading Dr. Johanna Budwig’s books about the oil-protein diet, I am wondering about adding the dairy with flax seed oil to my diet. How much kefir does an adult need? I read once that you only put the whey in your drink. Why not all of the kefir? I would also like to know about using coconut water to make kefir. I tried water kefir grains one time but they died. What grains are used with the coconut water? Do you need kefir if you are making rejuveluc or do they provide the different probiotics?
Hi Robyn – amazing how just starting a conversation with people at work can turn you into a leader for nutrition/health without even realising it! More recently we had a couple of new girls start in our area and after seeing my GS and my dehydrated snacks (HUGE craze in the office now) they are coming to me with questions and changing some of their habits too.
But the biggest change has been in motivating people to get fit! For the last couple of months I’ve been getting up early most days of the week to do bootcamp or go for a run – my motivation and ‘glow’ from a high intensity work out in the morning has started people talking and walking. I suppose it’s people seeing with their own eyes the benefits of both good nutrition and exercise – how they go hand in hand and how some of the simplest things are the smartest choices.
Sometimes we touch other people’s lives unintentionally, don’t we? It is always good to discover that you’re making a difference, i would say that’s the joy of life itself!
I don’t know if you’ve talked about this before, but I would have a question about preserving smoothies for a longer period of time. Whenever i make them, they just seem to go bad very quickly, and i can never rush into drinking or eating something, it doesn’t make me feel good. So if you have any tips on what to add to smoothies or how to store them to make them last at least 24 hours, I would love to hear them.
Thank you!
This is in response to Tammy:
I have never tried this product nor do I have any affiliation but Frankincense essential oil is supposed to work very well in the reduction of seizures. But, please check out the video testimonials on Youtube and maybe google for more info. I learned that Frankincense can be found by not only Do Terra but a brand called Young Living. I saw a video in which a very young girl was loaded up on medications and still having massive seizures and the parents were rubbing the oil on the bottoms of her feet with amazing results. Definitely do some research hope that helps and Robyn also showed a video here on her site in which a woman from CHI had amazing results of her own from Frankincense on her melanoma skin cancer and the reduction was 75% in only a couple weeks if I remember correctly. 🙂
In response to Hilarie–
You might try coconut milk by So Delicious, almond milk by Silk, or make your own, or rice milk in place of Soy Milk for your children.
I don’t get how soy milk is any ‘worse’ or less healthy than the other alternative milks. They are all fairly processed. I know they are definitely better choices than dairy, but I don’t see how soy milk is less healthy than it’s rice, coconut, or almond counterparts…
Nikki, please read my Nutrition Manifesto, a tab on the homepage of the site. Too much soy in hundreds of foods you eat—too many estrogens, causing endocrine disruption and many health problems. Also, google “soy danger” so you know it’s not just me saying this.
knwoing that your habits influence others is a big deal. I recently started student teaching, and would bring my green smoothie with me and sip it throughout the day. So many of these kids come in with cheetos and chocolate bars for breakfast, and the sight just made me so sad. One day, a student asked me what I was drinking, and I said, oh it’s a smoothie… and they asked what kind. I said, oh it’s banana and mango and pineapple and spinach and carrots and beets. haha. They look so grossed out. One asked me if it tasted good. I told the that the taste doesn’t matter, I drink it because it is good for me. They were even more shocked when I told them that I don’t eat sugar! Finally at the end of the year, the students asked me what my favorite food is– and I told the fresh raspberries. I LOVE them. they smiled, but then asked, okay, but what;s your favorite REAL food? it made me so sad– they were eating doritos and my raspberries aren’t real. 🙁