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17 gallons of green smoothie!

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 27, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

That’s how much green smoothie my daughter, Emma, made for nearly 1,000 people who came to my local classes in Orem, Layton and Sandy a few weeks ago! It was a cases of the fishes and the loaves—-thanks to Dixie cups!

My favorite moment besides the AWESOME return-to-health stories we heard was a lady on the front row. She’d already confessed when I asked for a show of hands, “Who has no idea what this racket is, and got dragged here by someone who loves you?”

I read a few pages from my children’s book, The Adventures of Junk Food Dude, where Green Smoothie Guy suggests to his new friend, Junk Food Dude:

“Try not eating sugar for four days!” (“Then good food will taste great!”)

Upon that statement, the lady on the front row gasped, “OH MY LORD!”

As if 4 days without sugar might kill her. I cracked up. It is what it is. That white stuff is the most addictive substance on Planet Earth.

And then, out of 300 people in the room, she won the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course and whooped it up, which made my night.

Check out an excerpt of this email from Kim Newhouse in Arizona, with the photos she sent us:

“I won the [12 Steps to] Whole Foods Course when Robyn came to Tucson and I wanted to show you all what I’ve been doing with it! My birthday was coming up so I decided to do a ‘Green Smoothie Demo Party’ with my friends. It was so successful that I did another one the following week, opening it up to the first 15 people who signed up from our buying club (we order Azure Standard, Frontier Wholesale, local honey and other foods together–there are a couple hundred on our yahoo group from all over Southern Arizona. In fact, one of our members was your volunteer who ate the plate of greens!) Everyone had so much fun that we’ve decided to have GSG parties every Friday and Saturday night of the first weekend of each month!

My husband made a list on the web where individuals can sign up for an ingredient to bring to make a recipe that’s featured in the selected videos we’ll be watching. We obviously made the smoothies the first time and this time we’ll be doing super salads, 2 dressings, and the almond joy fudge! We’ll do the fudge first and stick it in the freezer while we watch the other videos and assemble salads…by the time we’re done eating those, the fudge will be ready to enjoy

You’ve got many new followers in Tucson now! Here’s a testimonial from a 21 year old who attended my first party (she has 7 siblings):

“We all love the green smoothies and are making them at least once a day with ginger, bee pollen, kale, collard greens, chard, spinach, cabbage, chia, flax oil, and fruit. My brothers think they are dessert and say we haven’t made a green smoothie they didn’t like yet. Thank you so much for opening your home for green smoothie night and we are looking forward to the next one!”

watching gsg video

a group of people enjoying a video

a bowl of greens

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Lifestyle

11 thoughts on “17 gallons of green smoothie!”

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  1. That is just so awesome! I love the picture of them watching you on the TV on the counter! Not only have you helped so many people change their lives but look at how many they are helping! I love it!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I live in Sahuarita, AZ, just south of Tucson and was at your Tucson lecture. I’d love to know if I can be a part of the yahoo group that orders wholesale whole foods with them. If any of you reading this blog post are part of this group, I would love to find out more. Thanks! sabrinamillar[at]gmail[dot]com

  3. Do you know the next time you will be in Utah?

  4. Anonymous says:

    I live in Tucson and have been eating Green Smoothies since you were in Tucson and have been doing the 12 Steps. I would also love to know about the yahoo group here ordering wholesale together! My email address is I just had my 30th birthday and although I had mentioned to my sister I was thinking of doing a “Green Smoothie Party” my family was not quite up for that adn they were the ones throwin’ the shingdig. My husband, however, LOVES the Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie (I had asked him to fill my cup up for me one day wit the rest of my smoothie while i was working in my office, and as he was coming across the house I figured he would try it and suddenly he yells, “Why have you not been making THIS for me?! ” LOL ) so he decided to make that for my guests. It was super fun having everyone try it! And of course got the conversation rolling about Green Smoothies too! I am LOVING seeing how many people I can get to try my GS as I take it to church and other places. Too fun, and I already have gotten some on board!

  5. Wow! When your hit in the head (figuratively), it sure makes you wonder why you didn’t follow through with the prompting.

    About 5 years ago, if not more, I had this feeling that I needed to start eating only raw fruits and vegetables, with the occasional going out to eat for special reasons. However, knowing myself as I do, I thought no way could I do that, it would be too hard. Yet, I still have had that strong feeling it was the right thing to do and that has lasted all these years. With all my pleading over the years to Heavenly Father for help in regards to feeling better emotionally and physically I got my answer I just never realized it until now.

    I have been having a lot of health problems this past year and it seems that Heavenly Father is really trying to give me an answer to my prayers, yet I haven’t been listening until now. My personal trainer told me to stop eating yeast and dairy. Then my visiting teacher told me about this foot zoner that told me about the Green Smoothie Girl and how it has helped her. So, I started to read about the Green Smoothie Girl and raw foods. Today I got the biggest gift of all, I hope. While researching eating a raw diet I came across this man who was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 in 1993, but he and his mother didn’t want him to go on insulin. They wanted to try a natural way to help him, so they tried a raw food diet. He also would run, it was either 3 hours or 3 miles a day. Anyway, my point is, he went back to his doctor and he never had to take insulin. How amazing is that! Besides the news about the diabetic, I also found out that eating a raw diet can cure cancer and other aliments for these people who live this lifestyle. One girl lost over 100 pounds in 6 months just being on the Green Smoothie Girl Diet.

    As for myself, I am going to try this lifestyle. I think it is about time I follow the promptings I have been receiving. Maybe this is the thing I have been praying for to come into my life, to help me deal with my health issues. To hear about people being able to go off all their medications is amazing. To be able to do it the natural way and to have energy sounds even better. I am so excited. This is going to be hard but, I am willing to push through and really make this work for me. I have got to do something and I think this is it. I am sick of being sick. I feel like my cupboard is my own personal pharmacy. I am sick of taking so many medications that are supposed to make you feel better, yet they have so many side effects. If this new lifestyle works that could all change for the better.

    So let me tell you about how I feel now before I start. I am tired all the time. If I get a burst of energy it doesn’t last long. I ache all over, but mostly in my legs. My muscles are so tight that even a massage therapist after going 3 times couldn’t get the muscles in my body to loosen up at all. I am on tons of medications and vitamins; Prescriptions: Insulin, Levothyroxine 200mcg, Alprazolam .5mg, Zyrtec 10mg, B12 Shot 1/4ml, Abilify 2.5mg, Restoril 15mg, Lasix 40mg, Klor-Con 10 10meq ER, Klonopin 4mg, Viibryd 40mg, Prilosec 40mg. Vitamins: Multivitamin, Fish Oil 4000mg, FA/B12/B6, Vitamin D 5000, Vitamin C 1000mg, Iron 65mg, Calcium Citrate 1000mg, and all of these don’t include the ones we stopped for a little while to see if I would feel any better. My depression has not gotten any better. I have been having suicidal thoughts daily. As for my Diabetes, my last A1C was 7.2 and my weight is 285. I have noticed that the more weight I gain the higher my A1C goes. When I was 200 pounds my A1C was 6.2.

    This is going to be an interesting adventure to see if I am able to get healthy enough to go off all my medications. I know it is going to take time, but it will be fun to see how long it takes for me to start to see an improvement.

    Thank you, Robyn Openshaw and her team, for putting this site and the books together.

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Angela, God bless you. We’re here to support you. Please tell us about your progress…’s every little step, every day, that adds up to huge gains. Don’t quit! XOXO

  6. Robyn Openshaw says:

    Dwayne, I will do classes in Utah, Salt Lake, and Weber Counties in January again! Watch this blog, the GSG facebook page, the Events page on the site, and/or the GSG free newsletter.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Wow, GSG! You go, girl! Don’t you just love it when your “converts” convert and mentor others?!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Just a quick question… I have been drinking the green smoothie’s for about a year.. and I just wanted to know if anyone else has the same problem I do.. have a quart of green smoothie a day makes me have to pee all the time??? Is that normal.. LIke ALL the time.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Um, yeah, I have that problem. What on earth would I do if I worked a factory job, or an outside job? After I have my GS, I’m going to the bathroom every 15 minutes, it seems! Maybe I need to time my water/GS drinking differently, drinking more earlier, and less later?

    I’m confused — there are those that say to drink a gallon of water a day, those that say 6-8 glasses, and then the newer studies that say “well, we were wrong about 6-8 glasses a day; drink to thirst”, and the raw foodists who say you shouldn’t need much water beyond that in raw fruits/vegetables. Which is it?!

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Katie, I’m not the expert, but I have actually seen some common-sense logic behind the 6-8 glasses a day. A gallon a day might be a good idea for temporary flushing purposes, but it’s not sustainable! You’d be in the bathroom every 45 minutes! I also don’t trust the idea that “fluids,” don’t have to be water, is good enough, and just let your thirst be your gauge. High-raw eaters, it seems, ought to be able to drink 6 glasses.

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