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I Never Knew My Green-Smoothie Habit Was Making a Difference!

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 23, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Sometimes I re-post comments my readers make, because….I think they’re important enough not to get buried. Because someone said something pithy or cool or weird. Or because it’s my blog and I just feel like it.

In response to my post “Classroom Rewards That Aren’t Food”:

Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I’m new! Just bought your book, which is brill. When should I drink my green smoothies, and how many times a day?

Answer: Sue, you can have green smoothies WHENEVER YOU WANT, as much as you want!

I drink mine at the baseball game, in the car, at the tennis match, in the airport, at my classes. The more publicly, the better. The more people who see, RIGHT ON! Turned up noses, gagging sounds, jokes? Bring it. That’s just a first reaction. Starts a conversation and in 90 seconds of my telling WHY I do it, they’re 80% more likely to go make something GREAT happen in their daily food regimen.

Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: As an elementary music teacher, I have to explain that my green smoothie isn’t kryptonite or mold. (No coffee or soda for me!) Several students wrote me thank-you letters at the end of the year and drew pictures of my green smoothies (your drink). I didn’t realize it had made any kind of impression! I quoted you about sugar being “the nice girl’s crack cocaine” and asked friends on facebook to join me in the sugar bet….no takers so far! —Sandi

Answer: Sandi, kryptonite, mold. Haha! Realizing WHAT AN IMPACT we make when we set a nutritional example. Isn’t it AMAZING?! In no area of life are people MORE desperate for a Pied Piper than in the arena of NUTRITION. It’s like people need to be led out of the abyss, through the Red Sea, somewhere better than the hell of lupus, high blood pressure, and obesity they’re living in. We need as many examples as possible. On average, when people hear it from the 3rd person, that’s when they start listening.

None of your friends wanna give up their cocaine? Heh. Well, that’s too bad, but do it with me and Matthew and we can all feel superior, holier than thou. (I’m kidding. We’re doing it, and we’ll tell about how great we feel, and more people will join in…..when they’re ready. Maybe after they get the flu this winter.)

In response to my blog entry, “How much is your health worth?” Victoria invoked this saying (let us know if you are aware of the author):

“A person with their health has hundreds of dreams. A person without their health has ONE.”

Posted in: Green Smoothies

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