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I love Texas, Texans, and Whole Foods Market, part 1 of 3

Robyn Openshaw - Apr 14, 2010 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

So I am just back from my spring-break trip with my kids to Cancun and then Dallas. I got to see my really cool brother Russ and his family. (I am the oldest of 8, and he is the third.) And I also taught two classes that were packed with truth seeking, self-improving, completely awesome GSG Texans. LOVED meeting you, signing your books, hearing your stories.

Two GSGs, who didn’t know each other before, got together on my facebook fan page and put the Colleyville event together. Pamalee and Joni are now fast friends: Christian homeschooling moms, and two amazing women who are ALL about helping others. I think you are both wonderful, thank you!

Many of y’all brought your friends and family. Have I told you lately that I LOVE PEOPLE WHO SHARE WITH OTHERS??! Remember that in my research on green smoothies, 84% of people who undertake the habit are SO EXCITED, SO HAPPY about their positive health results, that they teach it to friends/family/co-workers.

Hope you’re not only getting back to basics in your own diet, discovering vibrant, colorful, delicious whole foods . . . but getting other people pumped about STEP 1, 10 minutes a day, 15 servings of raw, fresh greens and fruit daily.

Friends from facebook came from Oklahoma City and got a hotel room overnight. Folks drove from Ft. Worth. Wow. I am so humbled, and I dearly hope that in exchange for the time and travel in your busy life, you got some inspiration, some good GSG lovin, some info . . . that helps you take the next step to a whole-foods lifestyle. That’s why I do this.

Shout-out to Leslee. Front row. With all her girlfriends. Had all the right answers to my q’s because she reads and thinks and practices. She’s been blogging here SINCE THE BEGINNING. Since back when nobody had ever heard of GreenSmoothieGirl and for all I knew, I was writing to myself out here in cyberspace. One of the very earliest 12 Steppers, Leslee subscribed when I was head down, developing recipes and writing a chapter a month, at the beginning of 2008, releasing them as I finished them.

Love you, tsitsifly girl. Love the journey you are on. You are the best.

My parents grew up in El Paso and I forget until I go to Texas how much I love that place! It feels like home! (Maybe I should move south. Sure, I’d have to give up skiing, but I’d give up being cold too.) Me and a rental car and a downtown hotel and some printed MapQuest directions, kinda scary. But every time I even THOUGHT about getting lost, friendly, helpful Texans rescued me. That’s what Southerners are all about.

(I should say I’m sorry for saying, a year ago, that San Antonio was the most unhealthy place I’ve ever been. Even though it’s true. Heh.)

Anyway, it was a blast, and Suzan at Whole Foods Market Preston Forest rocks out loud – she is a TRIP and “got it” like 30 seconds into my call to her explaining what I do. Suzan, thanks for making that class happen despite the fact that bureaucracy is always daunting in a big corporation. Other WFM management folks have contacted me wanting to do a show and then quit because of the approval process.

You care about your customers, about whole foods, and about the health of the former using the latter! You’re my newest hero.

Cool tip tomorrow from an attendee of my Whole Foods Market class, and how I want to come to your town.

Posted in: Relationships, Whole Food

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