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I Have More Energy at 42 Than I Did at 22!

Robyn Openshaw - Apr 01, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Thanks again for signing up for my free newsletter.   See, I was just like you might be.   I found myself in a place I hated: sluggish, 15 pounds overweight, suffering with a variety of health problems . . . and I was only 25 years old!

But that’s a story you already know well, because millions of people can tell that story.

Where I’ve come since then is the tale you’ll find much more interesting, I think.   Because it represents the way out of the nightmare for you, too.   The mess that is the modern American lifestyle of overweight, energy drain, and failing health.   There’s only one way out of that mess.   It’s a straight path.   And it’s the road less traveled.

I am teaching, on, my recipe collections, my blog, my 12 Steps to Whole Foods course, and my new book The Green Smoothie Diet, and this newsletter what that path is.

I got to that straight and narrow path through a fairly zigzaggy way . . .

But first, the cataclysmic moment when I knew something had to change.   I had a 15-month old baby who was desperately ill.   He was just fine until I quit breastfeeding him at 7 months old.   Then, on formula and then eventually cow’s milk, he was mucousy and coughing, constantly ill, sickly and miserable, up all night wheezing.   This went on for many months.

The pediatrician gave Kincade lots of syrups and pills and inhaled drugs.   He was always drugged up.   The meds may or may not have sometimes slowed the symptoms (I never was really sure), but one thing was certain: my little boy wasn’t getting healthier.   And the doc told me the steroids were “guaranteed” to stunt his growth.

After quite a few months of this, I realized one thing very clearly, even if a lot of other things were still fuzzy for me.   And that things was, doctors were not going to solve my little son’s health problems.   After this information settled in for a while, in a terrifying way, I made a second realization: I, and I alone–not doctors or anyone else–was responsible for finding the information that WOULD solve Kincade’s problems.

A series of coincidences (that I now believe were inspiration, not coincidences) led me to study nutrition.   I learned that a diet rich in raw vegetables and fruits, with whole grains and legumes and nuts and seeds as complements, might help my son.

Little did I know that it would actually save the whole family–including children not yet born.

A radical shift took place, not over a year or over an extended period of time, but literally overnight.


We were done with steroids.   Done with bronchodilators.   Done with cough syrups.   Done with late-night emergency room visits.   Cold turkey, just like that, we were done with fatigue, and all-night coughing, and stressed-out-Mom tears, and “What do I do?” after-hours calls to the nurse, and counting breaths per minute, and rocking a baby who was turning blue.

All because I got him off dairy products and sugar and white flour . . . and onto green smoothies and whole foods.

What we undertook was a lifestyle of eating–in this order–greens, vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and unadulterated oils.

That sounds like drudgery, but more than 250 recipes and dozens of video demos in my course show you otherwise.   You can eat like a king–food with vibrant, complex flavors and textures–enjoying life . . . while returning your body to a state of health!

I developed to make your path less zigzaggy.   Writing and developing recipes for 12 Steps to Whole Foods was a labor of love to flatten that learning curve for you, so it doesn’t take you 15 years of trying hundreds of different things.   You can do it a much more linear way!

To Your Health,

–Robyn Openshaw

p.s.   I’ll tell you more about my story later!

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Green Smoothies, Lifestyle, Relationships, Tools & Products

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