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How do you know you’re dehydrated? More than just dry mouth! . . . part 4 of 6 on WATER

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 07, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

This is from Dr. B’s interview with Mike Adams, one of the last he gave before he died in his late 70’s.   We should realize more signs and symptoms of being low on water than just dry mouth.


“The human body manifests dehydration by a series of symptoms and signs, perceptive symptoms of dehydration — in other words, brain senses dehydration, or tiredness when you haven’t done a good day’s work, or first thing in the morning when you want to get up out of bed and you’re tired, you can’t get up — that is a sign of dehydration.


Then anger, quick reaction, depression, these are all signs of dehydration, when the brain has very little energy from hydroelectricity to cope with the information or take action. These are some of the perceptive signs of dehydration. Then the body has its drought management program, which are allergies, hypertension, diabetes, and also immune diseases.”


Robyn here again.   I’ve been made fun of for the weird, even obnoxious fact that I bounce out of bed in the morning like the Energizer Bunny while others need an hour to clear the fog.   I wonder if that’s because I drink lots of water and therefore am not low on hydroelectric energy like Dr. B speaks of?   Worth a try for you–let us know if you notice any differences, increasing your water consumption.

Posted in: Mind/Body Connection

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