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Price Points of High-Nutrition Items: Part 2 of 2

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 11, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links



$25.50 olive oil (two 2-ltr. Bottles) or $13 for 1.5 ltr. bottle of organic

$11 34-oz. balsamic vinegar

$7.50 for two jars of 28-oz. natural, organic peanut butter

$5.70  giant box of Grape Nuts (64 oz.) (for emergency or traveling breakfasts)




$13 for a case of 9 young Thai coconuts (Asian market)

$0.50/can beans of all kinds—on case lot sales at grocery stores

$2 for a bunch of greens (kale, collards)

$0.49-.69/lb. for fruit (wash, chop, and freeze it in baggies when you get this price)

$3 for large pineapples (cut in chunks and freeze for GS)


THINGS I GET IN GROUP BUYS (my own co-op or others):


$76 for a 60# bucket of raw local honey


$3/lb. for almonds—my local group buys, 50# boxes for $150


$41/gal. is good for coconut oil (see my store), even below $45/gal. is really good for organic, virgin—why buy a small tub? It keeps for 2 yrs. on the shelf.


$32.50/gallon for agave (raw, organic)—my local group buys

Posted in: Whole Food

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