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GSG Coaches Share Healthy Cold-Weather Recipes, Part 4 of 5

Robyn Openshaw - Feb 05, 2014 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Coach Cindy Feldmann

Coach Cindy Feldmann

Change it Up Chowder

1 cup coconut (young Thai fresh coconut meat, or dried shredded)

1 cup water

1 cup cashews

Blend for 3 minutes in the blender. Add:

½ cup extra virgin cold pressed olive oil

1 teaspoon ​raw honey

​1 cup chopped celery

Blend thoroughly and pick the flavor of the night:

Corn Chowder by adding fresh or frozen corn

Pea Soup by adding fresh or frozen peas

Mushroom Chowder by adding dried or fresh mushrooms (try any variety!)

Broccoli Soup by adding broccoli, chopped fresh is best, frozen in a pinch

Carrot Soup with finely grated carrots

And best of all, add dulse flakes for a Clam Chowder

All of these can be made with hot peppers, cloves of garlic, herbs, and spices. Spices help warm the body and create a full-bodied feeling.


nut loafVeggie Nut Loaf

1 sweet potato

1 onion

1 carrot

1 white potato

1 turnip

1 beet

4 stalks celery with leaves

Optional: fresh chopped garlic, hot peppers, spices

Shred all your veggies in the food processor with an S blade, and set aside. Grind 1 pound of nuts, any variety of raw nuts will do, grind into a paste or try a chunkier consistency for a different taste. Mix the two together and press into a loaf pan. Refrigerate for an hour. Turn out on a plate first warmed in the oven. This Veggie Loaf can also be sliced thin and popped in your dehydrator, until it’s warm, for a yummy treat. ​Use as many spices, hot peppers and garlic as you desire.


Dip for Veggie Nut Loaf

¼ cup olive oil

1-3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar to taste

½ teaspoon Italian seasoning

1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese (optional)

Gently mix together all ingredients in a bowl large enough to dip into.


raw trufflesTasty Truffles

2 cups finely ground almonds

1 Tablespoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon ginger

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

¼ teaspoon cloves

½ cup agave

½ cup dried cranberries

½ cup golden raisins

Optional: shredded coconut, cacao powder, finely chopped nuts, or cinnamon

​Grind the nuts and the spices in a food processor with an S blade, until finely ground.

Add cranberries and raisins for a few seconds. Add agave, process until blended. Wet your hands and roll into small balls.

Roll in dried coconut or cacao powder, finely chopped nuts, or cinnamon for different tastes.


Posted in: Recipes

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