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Green smoothies for old, fat, busy executives

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 12, 2012 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

GreenSmoothieGirl and our franchise in the Highland, Utah Roxberry are on Check it out HERE.

Business contributor Ken Krogue feels like he showed up late to the party, just this week discovering a green smoothie at Highland, Utah's Roxberry store, introduced to him by one of Utah's most successful company founders.

Go to the article and tell him you love green smoothies and that we can change his whole world and make him Forbes' healthiest writer. (He takes comments at the end. He was excited the day after the story ran that it was #8 on all of Forbes.)

I told my best friend in San Francisco that I had an interview with the journalist yesterday, and she texted me and said, "Tell him Mitt Romney is your cousin. Forbes will love that."

Yeah. Cuz THAT'S relevant. (I wonder if I could work that into the interview. I also worked out in a gym with Barack Obama last year. Just sayin'. The conversation could drag. If I get desperate, I'll throw that in.)

Roxberry, featured in the story, is a franchise, and the two with a GreenSmoothieGirl franchise in them---frequented by Utah mega-millionaire Greg Butterfield in the story--- are owned by Mark and Holly Jackman. I love them. The true family-owned business, totally loved in that community. Holly is one of the most "CAN-DO" people I know. Our daughters have been competitors in soccer.

She insisted on bringing me something, after my oral surgery, when she'd read I couldn't really chew stuff. She was coming over last week to get a box of The Green Smoothies Diet. She brought fresh squeezed orange juice, and some wheat grass juice too. Thank you, Holly!

Roxberry carries more of my books than anyone else locally, since---as with putting a GSG franchise in stores, we don't initiate any sales efforts---we just hook people up with our self-published books if they come to us. (Tip for locals: get my books at Roxberry, avoid paying shipping!) The Good Earth carries The Green Smoothies Diet (as do Barnes and Noble and a few others), Dr. Christopher's in Springville has 12 Steps to Whole Foods. But Roxberry carries the most of my information products.

Roxberry is sponsoring our Provo and Sandy lectures in the next two weeks, and that's lucky for you if you're coming, because when they make them, they are yummier than when I make them. Just ask my kids.

Ken Krogue agrees that they're delish, and couldn't believe something with so many greens in it tasted so beautiful.

He says they're perfect for old, fat, busy executives. I think they're perfect for young, skinny, bored people too. Pretty much everyone. in Forbes, whoda thunk? A national internet sensation, my site? Aw, shucks. I dunno about that, but me likey! The more people are talking about it, the more people are taking a step in the right direction. A step AWAY from Mickey D's, my arch nemesis. Good stuff, great movement, thanks for being in it with me.

Just did an interview with Ken, the Forbes reporter, and when his story about GSG comes out, I'll show it here!

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Green Smoothies, Lifestyle

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