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Green Smoothie Testimonials: Part 3

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 12, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I’m 44 years old. I’ve always had very regular menstrual cycles. For about one year prior to drinking green smoothies, my menstrual cycles had become very irregular. After about two months of green smoothies, I returned to a very regular cycle of 20 – 30 days and my periods are just like they were in my 20’s and 30’s.  I’ve been drinking my quart of green smoothie per day for six months now and my cycles are consistently regular.


–Kathy M.


I love green smoothies! I drink them every morning, and I was so surprised how great they make me feel! I have lost weight, have lots of energy, feel healthier than ever and feel like my immune system is even stronger than it was.


Drinking green smoothies also influenced all of my eating and cooking decisions, and allowed me to lose weight safely. When we travel, I am always carrying my blender with me so I can have green smoothies anywhere I go!


My 20 month old daughter also loves them. I am sure that green smoothies are the best way to get babies/toddlers to get their greens. She gets so excited when I get out the blender and she always wants more! Thank you, green smoothies, and thank you to my friend, Tara, for introducing them to me!


–Kathryn Rose


I drink a quart of an all-vegetable green smoothie every day. I have more energy, sleep better, wake up ready for the day, and generally feel much better. I believe it’s because of the green smoothie and a whole foods diet, mostly raw. I have cut out all processed foods, sugar, and caffeine, and I feel great! Thanks for your website; it’s very informative and inspiring!


–Carol J.


After a few weeks of drinking green smoothies via wimpy blender, we were hooked and made our best nutritional investment to date–BlendTec. Our green smoothies have become greener and we have been known to eat 3-4 bunches of greens and 1 pound of baby spinach in a week between two adults and two toddlers.


I sometimes find myself looking around at all the green plants and wonder, “What would that taste like?”  I was skeptical at first, but my then-barely-two yr. old and three-yr.-old both enjoyed the green smoothies as well. They were converted before my husband!


Summer proves to be an easier time to drink them due to the warmer weather.   However, we still maintain regular GS drinking throughout all the seasons. I do not have to force them on my toddlers; rather, they will request them and are especially excited to help put all the ingredients into the blender.


GS have helped control my sugar cravings, eliminated Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and boosted my energy. My kids have regular bowel movements that do not have the stench as pre-GS days.


It is best to start children early on GS as it will develop their palate towards REAL, nutritionally sound foods.


–Laura M. and family

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Green Smoothies, Mind/Body Connection, Relationships

5 thoughts on “Green Smoothie Testimonials: Part 3”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robyn,

    I have been doing green smoothies for about a year and a half. I was doing kale, collards, etc. with fruit. Now I just use hemp with a little stevia, some raw milk and I am good to go! Lol! It has everything the body needs in perfect proportion and I feel great! I might put some banana and some carob in there, but I find using the hemp(in powder and oil form) I don’t need flax, celery, kale, etc. anymore.

    Anyway, that is my story, lol! I am pretty health conscious anyway, but my waist has gone from a 33 to a 30 as a six-foot male. I play tennis and exercise, but it’s not like I’m killing myself, just put good food in my body…..



  2. Anonymous says:

    I use

    One pint of organic Apple or Orange juice as a liquid base

    Pre-washed leafy Vegetable spring mix (about 3 to 4 hand grabs)

    One cup of frozen Wild Blueberries

    (Or one cup of mixed frozen berries)

    One cup of Strawberries

    One finger of Ginger root.

    One Avocado (without pit)

    One hand full of pre-soaked raw almonds

    One teaspoon of Turmeric powder

    One or two ripe bananas.

    This is my basic daily smoothie recipe. I will also include Kale and Red leaf leattuce.

    Gene Archer

  3. http:// says:

    Gene, okay if I run your recipe in my new book with your name on it? Turmeric makes this rather unique.

    take care,


  4. Anonymous says:

    When can you start giving your baby or toddler green smoothies? My daughter will be 1 years old tomorrow 😉 and I was wondering if it’s OK to start giving her lots of raw veggies since, up until now, she’s mainly been eating veggies steamed (or boiled). We have been giving her raw fruits and avocado every day for awhile now though. Thanks!

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Michele, yes! Best to breast-feed till at least 18 months, but if you’re weaning her anyway, definitely start with simple green smoothies, just a couple or three ingredients. Branch out slowly. I like the avocado for her too!

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