Warning! Do You Know About This Fake Organic Certification?
Did you know that food labels can have two different organic certifications?
You need to know about this because I believe most American consumers don’t know the difference.
Which one is real, and which one is meaningless?
I don’t want you to pay more for an “organic” label that means basically nothing. So, I’m telling you what you need to know to make the best choices for your health.
Wait! There Are 2 Organic Certification Labels?
The one on the left is USDA Certified Organic. This label means that the federal government requires that 95% or more of your ingredients be grown organically and certified organic.
I get my GreenSmoothieGirl products USDA Organic Certified, and we all have to use a third party. They lose their business if they don’t follow the rules – and so do we.
So what’s that other symbol on the right side?
It is NOT by the USDA. Only 70% of the ingredients are required to be certified organic. I am unaware of any enforcement by anyone in authority.
They will not understand that this alternative cert allows for 30% of the ingredients in the food to be sprayed with Roundup (for instance).
What Is Happening with USDA Organic?
The Biden administration’s FDA chief who took over organic certification was a former CEO of Monsanto.
(Monsanto, acquired by Bayer some years ago, is the maker of Roundup. Currently, there are thousands of lawsuits against Roundup’s owners for causing cancer.
And plaintiffs have already won a few Roundup-Cancer cases worth billions of dollars. (That’s billions of dollars – with a B.)
So I’ve been watching this issue for the past 4 years because I’m concerned that with this guy in the highest position, a guy bought and paid for by the chemical industry, Certified Organic may be eliminated…
… more likely, I am concerned that the USDA Organic certification will be slowly phased out so we don’t notice it happening step by step.
This other “certification” may be a step in that direction.
Without the transparency and clear labels of USDA Organic, we have to eat glyphosate, not knowing what we’re eating.
But it’s one of the most toxic chemicals ever put into our food supply, and millions of tons have been sprayed worldwide.
(Another guess: They’ll finally tank Roundup, stop selling it, and go bankrupt to avoid lawsuits. But then slightly tweak the formula and bring another equally toxic product in to replace it.)
There’s probably somebody next door to you and across the street from you spraying their weeds. Holding the jug in one hand and the sprayer in the other. (If your neighbors are like mine, anyway.)
And yes, when I see them spraying, I always talk to my neighbors about it. And they do not care. They don’t want to pull weeds.
Still, I don’t spray it on my property and buy “certified organic” as much as possible.
That first symbol, Certified Organic, still stands today and still means something important.
If you manufacture food products, you could be prosecuted with the full resources of the federal government or even jail time if you violate the rules for certification.
The Organic Certification You Can Trust!
The organic label to trust is USDA organic. As far as I’m concerned, this other symbol means nothing.
I have been certifying my OWN products as organic for many years.
And you do not violate the organic certification rules unless you’re insane, a huge risk-taker, and also a bad person!
So, the one to trust is USDA organic. As far as I’m concerned, this other symbol means nothing.
It’s NOT the government behind it, with the ability of government regulatory agencies to make your life a living hell and waste all your time and money on lawyers…
…so, please spread the word by sharing this video.
Only the USDA Organic symbol matters.
Don’t fall for this other certificate. It’s a marketing tool only. Stay tuned because as this evolves, I will share more information if I find it.
I would hate for consumers who CARE about eating organic to pay extra, see that label, and believe they’re actually eating organic food…
…when it’s a bogus, unenforced label meant to make the consumer feel good.
About buying a product that may be just as Roundup-tainted as regular conventionally-grown foods.
Not everything is sprayed with Roundup and other toxic chemicals in the first place. Because, for instance, they have a thick peel or husk – if insects can’t get to the fruit quickly, the growers don’t spend the money on insecticides.
Other products are grown in a region where Roundup is banned or discouraged.
So, “70% certified organic” might not be better than conventional food products.
Spread the word because friends don’t let friends eat food containing Roundup!
Read Next: Is Buying Organic Always Necessary?
If you'd like to see this article in video form, here it is:
Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.
Image Notes
1. USDA label on bananas image used under a CC BY 2.0 Deed license via Flickr user Michelle Cesare
Posted in: Lifestyle, Preventive Care, Whole Food
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