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Dr. Lodi on camera, Oasis, part 11 of 13

Robyn Openshaw - Dec 02, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

This is such a good video you’ll want to watch it twice. Whether you have had cancer, or not. It’s Dr. Lodi explaining in nutshell version “natural chemotherapeutic agents” and ways to bolster the entire organism against cells gone awry.

Posted in: Videos

15 thoughts on “Dr. Lodi on camera, Oasis, part 11 of 13”

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  1. Love it. Just wondering if this is indeed part 12 mistakenly labeled as part 13.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What happened to 12 of 15?

  3. Anonymous says:


    My mother-in-law was just diagnosed with Stage 3 Uterine Cancer and we are exploring alternative forms of treatment, but don’t really know where to start or how to keep going. Like so many Americans, she does not have health insurance and cannot afford “standard” treatment, which has made her much more receptive to alternative therapies. I bought her the book the Gershom Diet and our family is chipping in to get her a Hurom slow juicer, but I’m wondering what else we should be doing. We all do green smoothies already. I’ve been following your series with Dr. Lodi, and he is amazing—but cost is a big issue. I know you’re not a doctor and can’t legally give me advice about this, but what would you tell your mom to do, if this was her?

    Thank you, thank you, for all the incredible work that you do!

    I raise my green smoothie to you for teaching us all preventative maintenance so we never have to be in this situation again!

    Cheers, and thank you again

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Rebekah, I’d love for your mom to come to Hippocrates with me in Florida, in Feb. Cost is always an issue, of course—all these therapies must be paid for and insurance doesn’t cover most of them. Dr. Lodi and I talked about starting a foundation to pay for treatment for those who can’t afford it….but while that is something I could really get behind, it’s a project, down the road a ways unfortunately.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robyn,

    Thanks for all the great information and inspiration. I had a lenthy note written but entered the wrong captcha and poof, it was gone. Anyway could you please give me the recipe for the Green Juice you carry around in the quart jar? Thanks again.

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Bob, I shared Oasis of Healing’s green juice recipe a few weeks ago on the blog. 🙂 Enjoy.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for the wonderful blogs about Oasis of Health, the patients, and Dr. Lodi. I noticed that part 6 and part 12 are missing in the blog. I am sure we all do not want to miss any of them! Thanks for checking on this.

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Jody, I’ll have to fix that. I had Kristin and Chris posting for me when I was out of town and I was changing the order, as I posted them, compared to how they were written…..since we were editing videos, etc. Rest assured I’ll post all my content one way or another.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Great informative video. Would love to know what Dr. Lodi’s daily raw food diet looks like!

  7. Anonymous says:

    recipe for the green juice is on the Nov. 8 blog…. I’ve been drinking green juices for 3 years (2 years doing gerson therapy), which was a large contributing factor to healing my cancer; now I’m also doing green smoothies, love it all!!! When I started the gerson therapy, and went to their clinic in Mexico ( that’s when I learned about the juices) from the large quantity of juices and detoxing involved I was extremely sick for the first 2 weeks (headaches, vomiting, chill, fever, etc. etc). My poor unhealthy body didn’t know what was happening! It was detoxing and healing!! Because of the amount of juices involved the coffee enemas were a necessary part of the treatment.. Two quarts of greens, for the average person, seems like a lot of juicing to begin with especially if you’re not doing “CE” or something else to help with the detoxing? I want to see if I can take a tour of the Oasis Clinic and have some raw food meals!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robyn,

    I did locate the green juice recipe on my own but it took awhile (I should have read Doreen’s comment!) But I have a question: Couldn’t you take the same ingrediants used for the green juice and make a smoothie out of it and wouldn’t it be just as good?

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Bob, thing is, you’re getting a TON of veggies’ nutrition in one quart, with juice. With a smoothie, less nutrition, but you keep the fiber. Juicing is GREAT for cancer because it’s like nutritional IV, a ton of micronutrients. Smoothies are great for lifestyle maintenance. Both are good.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Robyn, thanks for the explanation. My wife was diagnosed with lung cancer in July of this year. I have been preparing lots of juices for her using a Champion Juicer, she has elected alternative treatment and is “under the care of” an herbalist currently. My online research told me that my juicer was not adequate for any Gerson like juices but then I found your site and bought a Blendtec for making green smoothies. I’m planning on contacting the Oasis regarding possible treament and costs but in the meantime could you recommend a reasonably good 2 stage juicer that is well below the $2,500 price tag of the Norwalk? .Thanks again for any help.

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Bob, yes I hope you take your wife to Oasis. Somebody, maybe someone on this blog, referred to a “two-stage juicer” the other day that may be less expensive, can’t remember the name, and that’s what you want—the plants should be ground (no heat) and then pressed. Apparently you get about 40% more juice out of it with Norwalk but I am unfamiliar with any other brand that works that way. (p.s. I still think the Champion is a great juicer. Mine was super old and some parts falling apart.) Google “two stage juicer?”

  10. http://none says:

    Hi Bob! AIEYA! I just wrote about 3 paragraphs but the CAPTCHA did not read and it deleted it all! ANyway, I will copy my text before I hit submit this time in case it does it again. Anyway, the Norwalk is the bees knees but they are a small fortune! The way around it to get solid juice with out the oxidation is to build it yourself! hehe You can buy hydraulic presses on the net. They are solid as a rock! I have one and it is a tank! I think they run about 399 but it is JUST the press. YOu need a masticator to chew everything up and then you stick it in the press and squat the heck out of it! I have an Omega 8006 for my wheatgrass juicing and it has an attachment you can put on it that chews up everything and then you just transfer it to the press and voila, cold pressed juice not oxidized and you spent 399 for the press and another 250 I think it was for the omega or whatever masticator you want to buy and you basically save the 2K and just have two machines to clean up after you juice! I have 3-4 centrifuges I use every day just for the ease but when I have time off and I am not chasing kids around, I love to do it old school and get solid fresh pressed juice! It is awesome to use the press and simple to clean! Good luck with your wife’s issues. Help is out there! NP

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