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Do all of GSG’s friends drink green smoothies?

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 13, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

The answer to that question is NO. Only about 95% of them. A longtime holdout is Kristin, very possibly my best friend, who is a newly single mom and stays with me 9 nights out of the month when her ex moves in with the kids. She also works for, and she’s been my assistant at tons of my speaking events. She drinks up to 84 oz. of Diet Coke every day. It’s her safe place, her stress reliever, her energy prop.

Kristin has lost 38 lbs. in the past year. She has a thing she has done to stop buying junk food (M&M’s formerly being her vice). When she goes to the store, she walks past the candy aisle and sneers, says to herself, “I don’t eat that s%#! any more!” I don’t know if that’ll work for you, but it works for Kristin so I’m passing it along.

Despite being surrounded by offers of green smoothies and raw food, at my house, and listening to my enthusiasm for the topic nearly ad nauseum, she had yet to try anything except Hot Pink, which I have fed her for breakfast fairly regularly and which she likes.

How is this possible, you ask? Believe it or not, I don’t talk about food much when I’m not teaching about it. I probably talk about it less than the average person, in fact. I figure, when people want to know, they’ll ask. They know I know stuff.

Kristin has never asked. I have, on a rare occasion, made a mild comment. Like, “Hey, I really think your anxiety isn’t just circumstantial. Nutrition might make a real difference.” Stuff like that.

I watch and wait. I’ve been friends with someone for YEARS, or dated a guy for many months, before they really get motivated to start the GS habit. Finally, this week, Kristin announced that she’d started green smoothies the day before. Mostly because her oldest daughter (age 18) decided SHE wanted to!

Next day, she went to Costco and they had no spinach. Her 12-y.o. twin daughters cried, “Oh no, what will we do?!” LOL.

I asked Kristin what her experience was after 24 hours and 2 smoothies. She’s one who always tells me the truth, good or bad, because we trust each other completely. She said, “I feel happier today, not my usual anxiousness. I got up this morning easily and was alert–-I actually WANTED to go for a run.”

Then my friend Liz came over last night for a while. She asked me to tell you her tip. Like Kristin, she’s a busy, working, single mom of 6 kids. She spends two hours, every few weeks, making 40 GREEN SMOOTHIES and freezing them! Her counter is covered with green foods and fruits and she just bangs it out and fills up her big freezer.

Not a bad idea–then your nutrition for a few weeks is a guarantee. She takes hers to work frozen and it thaws there.

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Mind/Body Connection

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