Could Toxicity Be Why I’m Sick? (7 Types of Toxins In Your Body)

I have a confession to make...
I don’t eat a perfect diet.
No one does! Not even your favorite doctor, dietician, or athlete.
I do eat a very healthy diet, though, and I complete a comprehensive detox biannually, which keeps me vibrant and symptom-free.
In this article:
I do our dedicated Detox program twice per year because we live in a world full of chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals.
Every day, we’re bombarded with toxins from our makeup, food, and hundreds of other sources. These toxins can overload our organs and get trapped in our fat deposits, becoming difficult to release.
In my 27 years as a detoxification researcher, I’ve learned that doing a dedicated detox can help you eliminate the toxins you have lodged in your body right now, and also provide many benefits: decreased inflammation, increased focus, improved mood, and reduced anxiety, just to name a few.
It’s why I built the GreenSmoothieGirl Detox program, and my FREE Detox Secrets Masterclass video series, to teach you how to support your organs of elimination as they do their important work of ridding your body of the toxins you’re exposed to every day.
In my Detox Masterclass video, I’ll explain how heavy metals, pollutants, chemicals, and other types of toxins are overloading your organs of elimination.
I’ll also share how a detox allows you to do a hard reboot, using healing foods to “clean house” and flood your body with nutrition.
But don’t take it from me! Feedback has been pouring in from thousands of the Detoxers who have completed the GreenSmoothieGirl Detox, and I’m excited to share some of their very specific experiences with you!
GreenSmoothieGirl Detox Testimonials
Marsha is 68 years old and retired, living in California. She knows a lot about wellness, but she hasn’t been able to get past her cravings and addictions to make the healthy habits a lifestyle. She has even tried other programs before and struggled to find the dedication and motivation to complete them, or to even take the first step.
Marsha thought she ate fairly healthy foods, but she struggled with a number of diseases and illnesses, including digestive issues, thyroid problems, and arthritis.
Sound familiar? Maybe you, like Marsha, know all the nutritious foods you should be adding to your diet, but you're unable to fully commit to healthy eating, for fear that your food addictions will win. Marsha was ready to kick her processed carb, sugar, dairy, and wine addictions to the curb, so she started on the 26-Day Detox. Here's what she had to say about her experience:
Wow! Finally a detox I fully trust, and a wonderful way for me to get healthier. I have about 30 pounds to lose.
I joke about being a woman of good intentions, and know a lot about healthy eating and healthy living. But I have failed myself so often by not being able to stick to my guns and get past my cravings and addictions. I have felt helpless against cravings.
If I’m honest with myself, I never really got off the ground with other programs. This time I dove into the Detox Full Support, and I KNOW that every aspect of CONNECTION is what got me there…the daily emails from Robyn, the Facebook forum, emailing back and forth with my buddy, making the Detox Manual my new best friend. I needed it all--and it served me so well!
I am pre-diabetic, have arthritis, muscle and joint pain, have plaque in my arteries, high cholesterol, thyroid issues, skin problems, and digestive issues--so my diet couldn't have been as healthy as I thought.
I stuck to the 26 days perfectly and lost 10 pounds. I was never hungry on the detox.
In 5 days, the aches and pains from the top of my knees, about half way up my thighs was gone. I stopped having restless legs and swollen ankles. I'm thrilled that I now fit into clothes that have just been renting space in my closet.
From the the first day of eating addiction-fighter foods, I never thought about sugar again.
And to think that I used to never have a day without it! This is a major change for me. I am starting the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course tomorrow and am just as excited as I was for the detox. I plan to do the next detox again twice a year, as well.
Thank you from the depths of my heart for the amazing education and support I received.
With the support of her detox buddy, Marsha was able to battle her food addictions, so that she never even thought about sugar after the first day of the program. What an amazing accomplishment!
Another Green Smoothie Girl reader, Darcy, from Alberta, admitted that the food she was eating prior to the detox made her feel pretty awful. In fact, until she did the 26-Day Detox, she didn’t realize just how good her body was designed to feel.
The Detox assisted her in targeting some of the seven toxicities she was struggling with, leaving her feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and pain-free:
This program was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to make a lifestyle change and to be honest I was dreading giving up my comfort foods, but due to some health issues it was necessary to get serious about what I was putting into my body. I was so surprised that you could be completely full and still lose weight.
Within three days of starting the detox, my blood pressure dropped from high to normal range, and by the end it was hovering just above optimal. All the aches and pains I normally lived with are GONE.
I have no desire to go back to the foods that made me tired, obese, and in pain. I have more weight to lose, but for the first time in my life I feel like I can actually do something about it. I’m a convert!
And finally, young mom Abby from Ohio was tired of being overweight and ignoring her own health and skin issues while things spiraled out of control.
During the GreenSmoothieGirl 26-Day Detox, she cleaned up her diet and assisted her body in eliminating toxins. She had incredible results:
I'm a 32 year old mother of a 5, 4, and 2 year old. I've neglected my own health over the last 5 years while caring for them.
I stumbled across the GreenSmoothieGirl Detox right at the perfect time. I had reached the point where I was 50-60 pounds overweight and just out of excuses, why I couldn't take time to take care of myself.
I started at Level 1 as a Lifetime Member, followed Robyn's menu plan to the letter (although I skipped a few meals because, amazingly, I wasn't hungry!), and lost a total of 23.8 pounds, 5.25" in my waist, and 3" in my hips!
I have also embarrassingly struggled with hormonal/cystic acne constantly since I was 12, and miraculously, my skin is now clear!
This was exactly the kickstart I needed to regain control of my health. THANK YOU, Robyn Openshaw! I look forward to repeating the detox in the future and already have family members wanting join me! It's amazing what we can do when we simply put our MINDS to it!”
Whether you can relate to Marsha and need help getting over your food addictions, or you relate to Darcy and are sick of the foods you eat making you feel tired and heavy, or you can relate to Abby and you’re carrying “baby” weight and you’re finally ready to put the time into yourself and take charge of your health…
…I hope you join us and watch our free video Detox Masterclass now.
If you click the link above, you’ll see that we have hundreds of comments and questions inside the free video course, from people like you who are ready to learn about battling toxicity, changing their weight set points, and eating the eight foods that detoxify. These are some topics included in the free masterclass.
People are learning so much about how the human body cleanses itself, how emotional problems can be resolved through cleaning up the diet, and how a detox can assist in helping them achieve their optimal health.
Stay tuned for more folks sharing their very real stories, their successes and triumphs doing a spring cleaning.
The video masterclass is FREE. If you decide to take the plunge and join us in the supported cleanse, we’re here to support you and cheer for you every step of the way— so hopefully, soon, you’ll have your very own success testimonial to share.
Read Next: What To Do About Toxic Paint, Carpet, Furniture (Offgassing For Years!)
Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.
Posted in: Detox, Health Concerns, Videos
Is your detox program centered around herbs? I have tried several different times with detox programs, and I find out that I always get a stomach ache with almost any kind of herb I try.
Do I have to wait to sign up until you run the next detox program? Pecan I enroll and get started at any time ? Also, do you have details about what the detox program entails? I wasn’t able to find the information on the website. Thank you
What kind of blender do you use