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David’s guacamole bruschetta

Robyn Openshaw - Jan 07, 2015 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

bruchettaI was at my friend David’s house the other day and he made me this yummy lunch he calls guacamole bruschetta. He is a vegan foodie, started a journey a few years ago after a lifetime of eating meat and processed food. He lost 25 lbs and is now lean and passionate about teaching people how to eat plants. It turns out you CAN be a 6’3″ big guy and just eat plants. He feels so much better and looks great. He told me 20 years ago, a family member gave him a lecture about all the dairy products he ate, and how bad they were for him, and Dave rolled his eyes. Sometimes we don’t have ears to hear. Until we do!

The lesson I learn from this is, never give up on people. Just be the change. Show up as the example. Zero judgment, leave the door open always.

Here’s the photo, and David’s Instagram page for the recipe is HERE.  Look for the recipe on September 6!



Posted in: Recipes, Whole Food

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