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What Supplements Should I Take Daily?

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 08, 2024 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Daily supplements

Ever wonder what supplements are MOST important for you to take daily?

Most of the supplements out there aren’t helpful.

The critical supplements complete a whole-foods diet – not take the place of it.

There are just TWO I developed because I wanted them for MYSELF – and to be able to recommend them wholeheartedly.

They're both made in small, fresh batches (which is why we often sell out!), out of organic, plant sources only.

On a rare occasion, when the quality I want doesn’t exist in the marketplace, I create it.

#1 — Support Your Gut – the Foundation of Good Health


My one-of-a-kind, three-in-one digestive aid that supports your whole digestive tract:

  • 6 plant-derived digestive enzymes (ease the burden of eating cooked food, on your overtaxed pancreas and liver!)
  • 15 probiotic strains for gut health and repair
  • Organic prebiotics to feed and multiply the probiotics

Try to find a probiotic this fresh (we make it in SMALL batches, which is critical for probiotics) *plus* has the prebiotics they feed on, *plus* has digestive enzymes! You won’t find it, because it doesn’t exist.

Our product actually ferments or “cultures” milk, and few brands do. See the results of our probiotic tests.


#2 — Daily Minerals for A Healthy Life

Ultimate Minerals

It’s GSG’s best-selling, most-reordered product for a good reason – it gets results!

I have countless testimonials (read many on our product page) of customers who sleep better, lose weight, relieve neurological symptoms, enjoy thicker, fuller hair, and have more energy because they take Ultimate Minerals regularly.minerals

For me, the dark circles under my eyes disappeared. I began falling asleep quickly for the first time in my life, and my hair and nails grew twice as fast, and thicker!

Modern agricultural practices have stripped soils to the point that even organic produce doesn’t have the trace minerals our bodies rely on for every process it does.

Ultimate Minerals are super-concentrated fulvic and humic acids from ancient plant deposits – containing all the trace minerals in their organic, ionic forms.

Read Next: My 7 Favorite Supplements for Strong Immune Function

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Posted in: Supplements

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