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Chronic Constipation: Part 6 of 9 on ELIMINATION

Robyn Openshaw - Jul 23, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

You always hear about how when Elvis and John Wayne were autopsied, they had 10 or 20 lbs. of impacted fecal material in their digestive tract due to chronic constipation. I have no idea if that’s urban legend.

Your M.D. scoffs at the idea of cleansing, at the idea that there’s a buildup of hardened mucoid plaque in the digestive tract from eating meat and processed food and chemicals? Or if you look around online, you can find an M.D. or two saying this doesn’t happen, buildup of mucoid plaque. That’s astonishing to me. Having experienced it for myself, this is not something I have to take on faith after purely academic study, and you can see for yourself. Look at the inside of a bunch of people’s colons, both diseased and healthy, on Dr. Shinya’s video clip:

Dr Hiromi Shinya -- Colon therapy Alkaline Water

Dr. Bernard Jensen worked on tens of thousands of human colons. He once measured three gallons of hard, toxic material eliminated from one person, in one cleansing treatment. You eliminate every day, you say? Your doctor and the medical textbooks (including pediatrics’) say that one bowel movement every five days is fine, and normal? Jensen says he knew a woman who eliminated five times a day but when he autopsied her after her death, the opening through her colon was the diameter of a pencil, even though the diameter of the vessel itself was 9 inches.

It’s not what’s coming out that’s a problem. It’s what’s staying IN.

At the end of my 21-day cleanse, doing daily home colonics, I went to a professional for the last two days of colonics. Dolly Hansen (Orem, Utah) is the wife of Dr. DeLynn Hansen. She has a $20K machine and training to oxygenate the water to kill parasites the first day, so they will be dead and ready to eliminate the second day of colonics. Her huge machine allows the water being eliminated to pass through a large glass tube, and she can stop the flow water at any time. So, I saw a 5-inch parasite come out of me, because she stopped the water to show me. Dolly has a parasite a few feet long in a jar that she saved, from herself. My friend C. is a thin, beautiful, Barbie lookalike and saw a 6-inch parasite leave her body in that tube.

Fortunately, through cleansing and clean eating, I have been parasite free for years. When I am blood tested, my blood is not perfect, but it does not contain any parasites, and I’m told that is very rare. (Avoiding meat is key in this.) When all putrefaction is removed from the body, and we eat a plant-based, whole-foods diet, we are no longer breeding grounds for bacteria, fungus, molds, and viruses.

This is not a recommendation of any specific cleansing plan for YOU, but rather a general opinion that having a clean colon leads to improved health. Consult your health care professional about any cleanse you may be considering.

Here are all the posts in this series on elimination:
Part 1: Green Feces
Part 2: Foods That Cause Constipation
Part 3: Relieving Constipation
Part 4: Natural Laxatives
Part 5: Relief For Intestinal Gas And Bloating
Part 6: Chronic Constipation
Part 7: Best Colon Cleanse
Part 8: Body Cleansing
Part 9: More Experts On Colon Cleansing

Posted in: Detox, Health Concerns, Whole Food

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