Category: Whole Food Search for: How To Eat Legumes Here’s a little quiz: what do mesquite, beans, carob, peas, soy, peanuts, lentils, and even alfalfa and clover all have in common? Say it with me: “lay-gooms.” Legumes–the food group… Food Combining Theory: Fact, or Fiction? Food combining is one topic in the field of nutrition that has many people confused. In simple terms, this is the idea that some foods should not be eaten with… 999 Cheap Plant-Based Meals You Can Make in 15 Minutes You Don’t Need a Recipe For Healthy, Plant-Based Meals! I’m about to tell you exactly how I eat. Simply, inexpensively, and with endless variety. And you can easily do the… 22 Experts Debunk Ketogenic, Paleo, & Low-Carb Diets Have you been considering the Paleo or Ketogenic diet fads? First, read this post. I’ve been watching the Ketogenic and Paleo diets with concern. The body of longitudinal evidence, with… 9 Detoxifying Drinks: What Works? What Doesn’t? These days, everyone is doing a “detox,” and there are so many programs and protocols out there claiming to have the best detoxifying drinks. How do you sift through the… Seven Principles of a Perfect Diet For anyone paying attention, it seems the new “perfect diet” appears every couple of months and everyone leaps on the bandwagon. From Keto to Caveman, Paleo to Blood Type, Atkins… Holy Cow! Oat Milk Is At Starbucks (And Everywhere Else)–Is It Really That Great? Oat milk is the new kid on the block of dairy milk alternatives, created in Sweden in the 1990s and slowly gaining followers. Obsession didn’t set in until 2018 when… Why You Might Have Iodine Deficiency, And What To Do Next This post has been reviewed for accuracy by Dr. Shawn Tassone, MD, PhD, holistic gynecologist, and medical advisor to Iodine — most of us know it as the stuff… Wheat Is Good For You! (But Not How You’re Eating It) Diet fads, especially those surrounding wheat, have not served America well. Not one of them has restored us to health, and that’s because trends in the diet arena are typically… 5 Easy Ways to Make Gorgeous and Delicious Complete-Meal Salads Do you think making a salad, or even just eating one, is a chore? What if it could be the most delicious thing you eat all day? A lot of… We Know More About Food Than Ever Before. So Why Are We Eating As If We Know Less? Robyn’s note: The problem with nutrition research is that we already know what a diet for longevity looks like. We already know what a diet for disease prevention looks like…. Hashimoto Thyroid Disease: How Green Smoothies Helped My Recovery Hashimoto thyroid disease, also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and other thyroid health disorders are becoming an epidemic. Right now, there are 200 million diagnosed worldwide with thyroid disease, 20 million…