Category: Whole Food Search for: I love Texas, Texans, and Whole Foods Market, part 1 of 3 So I am just back from my spring-break trip with my kids to Cancun and then Dallas. I got to see my really cool brother Russ and his family. (I… The Renegade Lunch Lady (Part 2 of 2) The “Renegade Lunch Lady” Chef Ann Cooper went to Washington, D.C. to investigate our first lady’s agenda. She ripped a hole in Michelle Obama’s “feel-good” childhood-obesity legislation, that has no… When Green Smoothie Girl Meets Red Meat Boy One of my favorite subjects (I might write a whole book) is how to get the kids or spouse on board, eating whole foods. I get notified via Google Alerts… depressing foods Researchers at University College London published findings that eating processed, fatty food increases the risk of depression. One group in the study of 3,486 people ate whole foods (mostly fresh… Power Foods? Really? I saw a People Magazine article last week about 10 “power foods.” They listed agave, along with the aggressively marketed, uber-expensive acai and goji berries. Now I’m not going to… Yummy Chocolate Almonds Recipe I just made this recipe in my dehydrator yesterday. They didn’t even finish drying before my kids finished them! So I’m starting a new double batch now. It’s a great… Young moms make tough decisions about their babies’ nutrition! I received this email from a health care practitioner who is a young mother. As I replied to her, it occurred to me that maybe these comments would be helpful… Where to Get Young Thai Coconuts Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I’m local and can’t find young Thai coconuts! Where do you get them? Answer: I get them at 1st Oriental Market, 286 North State Street in Orem (Utah),… Two Cake Recipe Contributions from a Reader These recipes were submitted by RuLea Taggart when I blogged about my kids’ birthday cake last August. (I have made healthier ingredient substitutions for these two recipes. Note that I… Raw green food and kidney stones I have more requests to address oxalates. It’s another one of those “they” things: first they tell us greens are good for us, and then they tell us oxalates will… Weston Price Foundation versus The China Study A yahoo group I belong to, “Natural LDS Women,” is having a debate about the “science” of the Weston Price Foundation, versus The China Study.” A recent poster said that… natural infertility treatments One of my first blog entries when I put this site up two years ago was about my infertility story. I forget about it sometimes, since I have four wonderful…