Category: Whole Food Search for: Reversing osteoporosis I got this from Jackie on my customer support team: “We’ve been getting a lot of people asking about whether you can reverse osteoporosis. Can you address this on the… thoughts on SLEEP Everybody knows sleep is critical. I’m going to hit just bullet points, in this blog, about what I’ve studied about sleep. This used to be a huge issue for me… Introducing the Cornia Family: GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 4 of 4] Our third selection is the video that moved me to tears as I watched it. You know how I feel about young moms. You knew I’d pick a young mom…. Introducing Karen Wilbert, GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 3 of 4] When I watched Karen Wilbert, I turned to Kels and said, “She really touches me. I want to work with her.” I was deeply moved by Karen’s story of six… Introducing the hot women of Total Care Dental: GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 2 of 4] I’m thrilled to work with Total Care Dental for the GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover pilot. Kels, from BlendTec (an amazing filmmaker) calls them the Hot Dental Office. These ladies are hot, no… Announcing three winners: GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 1 of 4] As I mentioned, I got LOTS of video applications. If you wanted to be in our pilot project, and you weren’t selected, please know that if the show takes off… Triglycerides drop from 232 to 82! Cholesterol drops from 199 to 96! Here’s an excerpt of a message I just got on facebook. I am SO pumped to hear stories like Lisa’s, so please send yours through facebook or, and you’ll… Chocolate Bean Cake, from Debbie in Portland Debbie made this cake and had me try it when we visited rainy Portland last weekend. Debbie firmly believes that “Chocolate is Non-Negotiable!” If you can’t beat the chocolate addiction,… “what do you eat in a day?” [and more true confessions] Every now and then I do a “what do I eat on a typical day” blog. It’s been a while! And I get asked this question constantly. So here’s what… Triple Doubles and Green Smoothies Here’s a photo of Tennyson and his green smoothie today. Could eating 20+ servings of vegetables and fruits daily be a factor in his Triple Double last week? (No, that’s… Who is GreenSmoothieGirl? I did an interview with Leslie Smoot, and I’m posting it in 9 chunks over the next couple of weeks. Here’s the first one, where I’m asked, “Who is GreenSmoothieGirl?” 6 tips to make any baking recipe healthier….part 2 of 2 Continued from yesterday. (Yes, I know people are HEALTHIER and recipes are more HEALTHFUL, and so does my editor, but we abandon that in my book titles because “Healthful Recipes”…