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Educate your kids about nutrition!

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 23, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Here’s my video showing Tennyson why food matters in his life, and why he

should make good decisions about food.

He’s no different than you and me. He needs REASONS. And praise.

Here are my tips for teaching your kids–some I mention on the video, and

some you’ll just see me DOING:

1. Make it relevant to their lives. (In Ten’s case, link it to sports


2. Keep it short. (I didn’t do a good job of this in the video. This

was for your benefit to tell you a bunch of things you can say to YOUR


3. Make it interesting.

4. Make it visual.

5. Involve them. Ask them questions.

6. Avoid clichés like “eat your greens.” Tell them WHY eat greens.

7. Use car time. We spend a lot of time in the car. They’re trapped

there. So talk to them about things that matter when they can’t roll their

eyes and run away.

8. Ask them what they notice, when they eat right, and praise their

good choices!

Posted in: Relationships, Videos, Whole Food

11 thoughts on “Educate your kids about nutrition!”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We just watched the video with Tennyson. We had a lot of reasons to talk about how it really helps. I take gymnastics and I eat a lot of salad and stuff and it has helped me be a better athlete and be easier to not drink so much cokes and stuff that make it hard to do it. (From Jana’s daughter)

    Thanks for the video. Hope you will do more of these! Great visuals! One thing we noticed is how kind you are to Tennyson, and how respectful. You obviously have a neat relationship. And Tennyson is obviously a great, nice kid! Tell him “thanks” for being on the video! (From Jana)

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robin: I loved the video as well as all your other informational videos. I think I’ll try it on my husband! Lol!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Robyn. My 4 year old loved this and didn’t want to turn it off. It is great to have reinforcement from other sources and you are one of the best of those. Thanks!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I want to send this video to all my friends that drink gallons upon gallons of Diet Coke each week. I’m going to have my kids watch the video even though it doesn’t have the sound quality it needs. My 16 and 13 year old will drink one glass each morning of green smoothie – about 16 ozs but I can’t get my younger ones to drink it. I still pour them a glass each morning and hope they will eventually drink it. Thanks

  5. Thanks Robyn! Great stuff! My son was captivated and asked “any other movies!”

  6. Anonymous says:

    love the tutorial. I have 5 kids 17 to 2 and even though I have always eaten “healthy”, never so much as recently, and it has been a struggle to cook for the family and put up with the complaints. But there is so much info, it is difficult to teach by “drips”, though that is really what has to be done with kids. It helps to see it done, thanks.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Very good illustrations. I love whatever you do. Keep up the good work. I love green smoothies. My children have both come and gone but now it’s the precious grandchildren. They are 7&4. They are learning, but it’s not easy when junk food is so around.

    I have a question in regards to breakfast. I heard you say some where that you have a special smoothie made with with beets in it. Can you share your breakfast? I love beets. I tried to make one but it was awful.
    Thanks Robyn

  8. Hi Robyn:

    My 15-year-old son and I just watched this wonderful video. While this is a subject he hears about often (and his green smoothie is often the color of Tennyson’s) :-), it was great for him to hear this valuable info from someone else, too!!! So, thanks a bunch for validating for him what he hears me talking about all the time!!! 🙂

    Have a great day!

    Green Smoothie Smiles,


  9. Anonymous says:

    As a former P.E. & pre-school teacher I say yep, there is what is so desperately needed!! Helping kids realize they are responsible for the foods that go into their bodies too….especially as they are going outside the home more & more and making their own eating choices..

    Where is the purple smoothie recipe located? Haven’t seen that one in the books yet? Did I miss it? Or is it in the newest super smoothie recipe book? Wasn’t in the Super Dude book…did think you would have included one in the back of that book :(….

    good work…keep it going Robyn….

    Also a PhD candidate for Natural Health ……

  10. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Robyn. Great information for those of us who are on board, but love the reasons behind it too.

    I have a question…Costco isn’t carrying the 40 oz bags of spinach anymore. Any suggestions? Have you switched to the organic. I just really really really loved the amazing price of the 40 oz bags and can’t find anything comparable now.


    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      We got those 40 oz. bags last week. Maybe they’ll come back where you are too? If not, well, we’ll pay more but it’ll be organic, which is GOOD.

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