Category: Healthy Weight Search for: K’Lynne Comes to My House — With KMart Pants Last year in Portland, I barely got to spend any time with someone I think is pretty special. In fact, she and her “before and after” photos, and her story,… Bruce says, “GreenSmoothieGirl Isn’t Just for Girls!” I have a testimonial from a guy for you, in a minute. But first…. I play on at least two tennis teams, all four seasons a year. Last Tuesday morning,… Thyroid: You Might Have a Problem and Not Know It All estimates I’ve read are that 25 to 50 percent or more of American women have significant thyroid issues. Possibly over half of women over 40. Most of these women… My friend Nancy drops 100+ lbs. My longtime friend Nancy is a radio personality. I’ve done a couple of shows with her, most recently to talk about the release of The Adventures of Junk Food Dude…. beautiful and young at age 70! three ageless examples show the value of good nutrition! I often hear people judging the raw vegan movement, or its credibility as a lifestyle, because a particular raw vegan doesn’t look good. In fact, it is often debilitating health… How much weight should I gain in pregnancy, and should I shift to whole foods now? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: How much weight should I gain in my pregnancy? I want to eat whole foods—but should I do it while I’m pregnant? Video answer here: Watch this… “I need to gain some weight!” I have been studying a massive amount of information in the past few months about over 80,000 toxic chemicals and metals in our environment. Where they come from, what they… I Need to Gain Some Weight: Part 2 of 3 But some of the uber-thin are actually not digesting food and are quite unhealthy. They might be eating as much junk as the overweight people are, but because of chronic… I need to gain some weight! Part 1 of 3 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I have a slight dilemma: we have been working toward a whole foods lifestyle and I have 12 Steps to Whole Foods. I have a supportive husband who… The Quotable Dr. Thomas Lodi Sunday I want you to meet Christine, a patient at Oasis, who did a massive amount of homework before choosing to work with Dr. Lodi. Today I’m giving you some… K’Lynne Loses 100 Pounds Eating Whole Foods! K’Lynne Wagner has lost 100 POUNDS doing my 12 Steps to Whole Foods program for over a year. Check out her amazing photos! She came onto my radar when she… Kala in Boise Pumps Her Fist (Thank You, Whole Foods Diet!) Do you know what it’s like to be trapped in a quagmire of health problems that seem insurmountable, requiring lots of pharmaceuticals? I talk to tons of people who describe…