Blog Search for: my comments about preventive antibiotics, part 3 of 3 I guess I don’t value the “written protocols and standards of care” much–easy for me to say as I’m not a practitioner–but I have watched with dismay as we’ve become… My Comments About Preventive Antibiotics: Part 2 of 3 The problem I have with this issue Dr. L brought up is that many docs would currently rather nuke everybody with AB because they are so fearful of liability and… My comments about preventive antibiotics, part 1 of 3 Disclaimer: I’m really conservative and avoid antibiotics, but I don’t tell people not to do what their doc says. I have strong opinions about antibiotics (AB’s) because of my experiences… dentists, and taking antibiotics Here’s a letter I got recently from a wonderful dentist who reads this blog/site. I won’t give my own response until I hear some of yours. What are your thoughts?… James Lautner: Green Smoothies Are a Weight-Loss Miracle James came to our Bakersfield class with his girlfriend, and his grandma who has a brain tumor. He has an amazing story, found a year ago, where he wrote… How is doing An internet marketing maven friend of mine wrote a report in Feb. called “[a very prominent raw-foods guru] versus GreenSmoothieGirl.” He wrote me this: “You have higher traffic ranking than… Are “eating healthy” and “obsessed” synonymous? Part 3 of 3 If you feel you are annoying your family, go ahead and transfer their feelings to me if you want! If it helps you, you can say, “Green Smoothie Girl says… Are “eating healthy” and “obsessed” synonymous? Part 2 of 3 Regarding faux diagnoses: I’m always frustrated when someone wants to create a pathology out of something healthy, as with this “orthorexia” thing that a number of readers wrote us about…. Are “eating healthy” and “obsessed” synonymous?” [part 1 of 3] Dear GreenSmoothieGirl (from Linda): “I just received an e-mail earlier today from a friend who considers herself a very healthy eater (she’s a nurse) with a link to the following… I won’t die on most hills: thoughts on parenting I had five 10-y.o. baseball players in the car last week, with this conversation: Me: Hey Tennyson, get your stuff off my expensive tennis racket! Baseball Player #2: Cool, you… “Best Day Ever” Stuff I have a group of friends I play a game with called “Best Day Ever.” When something good (or bad–that you decide is Perfect in its learning opportunities!) happens—we find… FROZEN DESSERTS These days, there’s no excuse to not eat healthy! You can get virtually ANYTHING you like in the junk-food world, in a vastly more nutritious version. You just have to…