Blog Search for: Dr. Connealy on Camera: Cancer is Systemic! Dr. Connealy explains here how cancer is not a tumor—it’s a systemic problem and therefore must be treated systemically: Co-Existing with Cancer, or Curing It? Of course, every cancer patient hopes for the words “remission” or even better, “cure.” Those things are possible and do happen regularly, especially with early-stage cancers. But, one thing that… Libby Goes Vegan You know I don’t promote any “isms”–vegetarianism, veganism, raw foodism. I’m secretly a fan of all those movements. But I don’t adopt them as extremist positions because I think… My Subversive (Garden) Plot Listen to Roger Doiron’s TedTalk, about how we take control of our food supply and change the world. This video is worth your time: View Roger Doiron’s TedTalk HERE! I’m… Treatment modalities at Oasis of Hope, pharmaceutical and neutraceuticals, part 4 of 4 The following is a list of drugs and other neutraceuticals that Oasis docs prescribe. Reading my abstract below may seem like all of the herbal supplements do the same things…. Treatment modalities at Oasis…..part 3 of 4 Ultraviolet Light. Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) eliminates bacteria in the blood, and Dr. Niels Ryberg Finsen won a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1903 for successfully treating 300 lupus patients… Video: Treatment modalities at Oasis of Hope, part 2 of 4 Ozone therapy. This is the same minor or major autohemo therapy I told you Dr. Lodi does in AZ even though it is not yet FDA approved. (His staff injected… Cancer Treatment Modalities at Oasis of Hope Tijuana: Part 1 of 4 Dr. Contreras can use treatments approved in other countries, even if 300 yards away, in the U.S., it’s not legal. (That doesn’t mean it’s been evaluated and deemed illegal—it just… On video: Rick Hill beats a deadly cancer..37 years ago! This is Rick, who lives in San Diego but drove across the border to be treated at Oasis of Hope in 1974 when he was 23 years old. At that… Castoffs of the Medical Profession Cross the U.S. Border The vast majority of Oasis Tijuana patients arrive as Stage 4, written off by the medical profession. They’ve been through chemo and radiation, maybe even multiple times, and are very… Oasis of Hope, Tijuana (Contreras Clinic) Oasis of Hope in Tijuana is inpatient, with all meals served to you. It is very much a hospital—not a medical spa like in Irvine, or a detox retreat like… The Latest Green Smoothie Debate: Part 3 of 3 That your stomach is full of low calories and high nutrition, after your quart of green smoothie, means you didn’t eat something else. Something worse. Both are great for different…