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On video: Rick Hill beats a deadly cancer..37 years ago!

Robyn Openshaw - Jan 15, 2012 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

This is Rick, who lives in San Diego but drove across the border to be treated at Oasis of Hope in 1974 when he was 23 years old. At that time 300 patients a day lined up for Laetrile treatments. (Most integrative docs say nowadays it does not work by itself, but some feel it is effective as an adjunct therapy).

Rick showed me the letter from the Mayo Clinic confirming his Stage 3 embryonal cell carcinoma, which has nearly a 100% mortality rate. (His story has made him rather famous in the cancer world, and he obtained the letter after accusations that he didn’t really have the cancer—which is often the tactic of the medical profession when the Gerson Therapy or other natural treatments actually work.)

Amusingly or infuriatingly, depending on how you look at it, the Mayo Clinic contacts Rick every year, since they count him among their “success” statistics. However, after 4 weeks there, his cancer did not reverse. After 4 weeks at Oasis of Hope, Rick says his cancer was in full retreat. He went home and did EXACTLY what Dr. Contreras told him to do. This is Rick’s advice to cancer patients: “Stop doing the wrong things. Start doing the right things.”

Rick didn’t do chemo or radiation, since docs wrote him off. Instead he spent 5 years eating raw, and doing Laetrile treatment at Oasis of Hope. He’s now 61 and great on camera—check him out here telling you what he did to get well:

Posted in: Mind/Body Connection, Videos

6 thoughts on “On video: Rick Hill beats a deadly cancer..37 years ago!”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Yay for Rick that’s wonderful. I’m so glad you can share these amazing stories/ and amazing people with us. Thank you Robyn 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wow! That’s about all I can say about this. What an inspiration Rick is! It is so true the mind, body and spirit connection. What we think, believe and feel about ourselves is what our body will react to and live by. We are all so worth living a life full of joy! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Anonymous says:

    WOW ~ I just can’t get enough of these types of testomonies ~ Congratulations to Rick Hill and proving the doctors and treatments wrong with RAW FOODS ~

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wow is right. I can only repeat what others have said about the video. Amazing and inspiring. Thank you Robyn and Rick for sharing this.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Love it! Thank you, Robyn, for all your hands-on research. You’re amazing!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Amazing video! I loved hearing all he had to say. Thanks for sharing!!!

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