Blog Search for: How To Eat Healthy if You Have More Time Than Money (or More Money Than Time) When people ask me for ideas on how they can improve their diet, they usually tell me what their roadblocks are. It’s almost always one of two things: a lack… Your Child’s Toxic Burden: What a Holistic Pediatrician Wants You to Know This is an excerpt from an interview I did with holistic pediatrician Elisa Song, MD, for the Toxic Home Transformation Summit that you can check out here! Robyn: Hey, everyone,… Time for Some Truth-Paste: Is Commercial Toothpaste Safe? As more commercial products come under fire for questionable, lab-conjured ingredients, it’s time to read yet another label: Toothpaste hosts a slew of chemicals, some of which were first approved… Have You Heard? Can’t-Miss May Podcasts 2018 Each Wednesday, I interview one of the world’s leading experts in holistic health. This month, we talked about human longevity…binge eating…functional medicine…toxic laundry products…and pro tips for getting chemicals out… Thoughts on My Last Child Leaving Home This is a bittersweet time. I’m wrapping up my parenting career. I mean, I know you’re never truly “done.” After all, before long, I’ll have grandchildren. My friends who are… Why Root Canal Infection is More Common Than You Think Before I discovered I had root canal infection from bacteria that had started a war in my mouth, and that this was compromising my overall health, I’d started to become… Alternatives to Dental X-rays: How to See Inside Your Teeth Without Radiation It is no big news that radiation is bad for the body. Dental X-Rays emit radiation, which is known to cause mutations in DNA. Mutations in DNA can cause cancer… 9 Surprising Reasons People Don’t Get Well, Or Stay Well In the 25 years since I learned how to get healthy, and then did it–I’ve never stopped researching. I even went on a global investigative tour of 19 holistic wellness… Sauna Health Benefits: Get The Most Out Of Your Sauna Time In Scandinavia, saunas have been used for centuries to promote wellness, and it turns out that the Russians and Finns may have understood something about sauna’s health benefits that the… Healing Disease With Functional Medicine In the year 2010, I set out, on a global quest. I’d seen too much suffering and death from the effects of chemotherapy and radiation, which Western Medicine insists–despite much… The Day Everything Became Crystal Clear Recently, I had a very…bad…week. I thought I’d share a very personal story with you, in the hope that it helps you enjoy Thanksgiving with more gratitude. (Gratitude is the… Sexual Energetics: The Most Powerful Force Field in the Universe It’s not about technique. It’s not about size. It’s not even about types of orgasm. It’s about vibe. Sex isn’t the main subject of my new book, Vibe. But it…