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Why the Apeel Coating Is Toxic and Doesn’t Even Work

Robyn Openshaw - Updated: September 25, 2024 - - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Apeel is toxic, it’s made with solvents and heavy metals.

This stuff called Apeel that may be sprayed on your produce, and the store doesn’t even have to tell you it’s on your produce, on the package.

Though in the beginning, some of them were labeling it.

As the public became more aware, some were actually putting stickers saying something else, like “ORGANIC,” over the Apeel label!

But, Apeel also doesn’t even work.

Since I started investigating this preservative for fruits and vegetables, and encouraging everyone who will listen to register their disapproval of our fruits and vegetables sprayed with it with people working in our Produce departments--

--I’ve had a number of people write me saying they’ve bought apples and avocados that look great on the outside, but are rotten and inedible on the inside.

Apples and avocados are the two most common produce items to be sprayed with Apeel.

I share this with you because first of all, I think it’s a plus for us, the consumers, if this toxic coating we can’t wash off our food actually fails in the marketplace.

The founder of the company, as I dug through his applications for patents, his applications to the FDA, and his statements to early investors, originally intended his product to be sprayed on crops as they grew in the field.

But that was a failure. Now he’s marketing it to produce companies to spray it on already harvested produce.

I think your best argument, if you’re willing to call Costco, or whatever grocery store you go to (and I really hope you will!),

is to tell them that produce rots on the inside, even if a preservative coating tricks the consumer because it looks better on the outside.

Retailers don’t want us to be unhappy with produce that looked good but is inedible. They know we’ll start shopping elsewhere.

I made a free wallet card for you, that you can use to see the brands that have made public statements that they will not carry produce sprayed with Apeel.

The other side of the card you can put in your wallet also shows the brands who refuse to make a comment, OR who have been caught selling Apeel-sprayed produce.

This is my 7th update on Apeel, and it takes us a lot of work to do the research and the content.

So, thank you for subscribing or hitting the ‘like’ button. I’m always interested in hearing from those of you who talk to your Produce Managers. I read everything my staff sends me from you.

Best wishes from GreenSmoothieGirl!

[If you prefer to watch this on video rather than read, you can do that here.]

Photograph of Robyn Openshaw, founder of Green Smoothie GirlRobyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.

Apeel Doesn't Work

Posted in: High-Vibe Living, Lifestyle, Mind/Body Connection, Natural Products, Preventive Care, Stress Management, Uncategorized

2 thoughts on “Why the Apeel Coating Is Toxic and Doesn’t Even Work”

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  1. Fan of Smoothies says:

    Likewise, I unwittingly bought oranges and lemons, "Organic" from Fresh Thyme. At home I read on both the bags' labels, "coated with an organic plant derived coating"— which is code speak for Apeel. Ooops. Buyer, be more beware.

    Figured I'd eat them anyway this time, but two days later, many of these fruits were soft and moldy, and had to be thrown in the garbage despite having been perfectly stored. Therefore, it is not true that it reduces waste. The waste occurs for the consumer, after purchase, and that's invisible to those who've made more money off it all the way up the chain. Apparently, Apeel is not really about benefiting either the consumer or the environment after all.

  2. Fan of Smoothies says:

    p.s. Thank you very much, Robyn, for your hard work in investigating and sharing this with all!

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