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another daily food log from a plant eater

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 19, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I got a bunch of emails from the “lurkers” who never write on this blog, saying they like food logs, and MORE, PLEASE.   That’ll give me something to say if I ever have a day where I’m running low–but OMG I have so much to write about in the next month or two!!


This time of year, I love to go out for a run on a beautiful day–I get other work done in the earlier morning so I can get some sun at 10 or 11 a.m.   Today I ran on the jr. high track by my house, like usual, with the boys’ 7th grade P.E. class doing 4 laps at the end of my hour there.   I was on my 5th mile at that time, and I noticed that even the boys who ran the first two laps were walking, by their third lap.   So in their fourth and last lap, as I passed each group, I’d say, “Hey! You’re not going to let a 9th grader’s MOM beat you.  ARE you?”


The boys didn’t think it was that funny, really.   The P.E. teacher did, though.


Here’s my fuel today (leaving the kids’ breakfast and lunch out of it, since it’s usually the same):


Breakfast: Hot-Pink Smoothie (Jump-Start Basic recipe collection: beets, carrots, strawberries, cashews, coconut water, etc.)


Lunch:   (Believe it or not, I really am working on the lunch-ideas recipe collection, due to dozens of requests.   The PRESSURE!)   Put 2 cups of soaked almonds and 3 carrots through the Champion Juicer with the blank plate on.   (Five minutes, though the cleanup will take a little time, too.)   Tossed in some chopped basil, a small yellow squash and small onion, chopped, and 2 tsp. each sea salt and kelp.   Put lots of that Sprouted Almond Pate in a sprouted-wheat tortilla with some cucumber sticks.   (I put a little homemade dressing on it–any kind works–though you wouldn’t have to.)   Planned to have my green smoothie with it but wasn’t hungry after.   Ate the rest of my chocolate coconut-milk “frozen dessert” instead (see  my blog a couple days back).   Put the Almond Pate in the fridge to use for kids’ lunches, or dinner, tomorrow.


Dinner:   Made Spinach-Orzo Pasta Salad, one of my family’s favorites (recipe on this blog somewhere, and in Ch. 2).   I had the Tangy Dill Dressing (Ch. 3) in my fridge because I made a double batch a few days ago.   I’d cooked the whole-wheat orzo that morning while I made green smoothies.   I also added a bunch of diced yellow squash to the salad, even though it’s not in the recipe, because I have a TON of it in my fridge.   (I chopped some extra when I made lunch.)   We were finally all together after soccer practices, to eat, at 7:30 p.m.   I had my almost-quart of green smoothie, still, so I had just a bit of the salad with it, while everyone else had a heaping plate plus  corn on the cob.


And then I made Vanilla Pudding from Ch. 5 of 12 Steps–to get rid of more yellow squash.   Served it warm, yum!


I did spend well over an hour in the kitchen today, more than usual.   But part of that was washing/chopping about 100 pears to store in the freezer, and making Sprouted Curry Almonds for later. (I will post that recipe in an upcoming blog about how I’m letting you all in the raw almond group buy, if you’re in the U.S. or just across the Canadian border.)



I’m quite pleased that we ate 7 yellow squashes today (in three ways), which helped address the surplus in my fridge and garden.   My “raw” intake was at least 80 percent, and the only animal protein was a bit of Parmesan in the Spinach Orzo Salad.




Posted in: Exercise, Recipes, Relationships, Whole Food

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