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Educate your kids about nutrition!

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 23, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Here’s my video showing Tennyson why food matters in his life, and why he

should make good decisions about food.

He’s no different than you and me. He needs REASONS. And praise.

Here are my tips for teaching your kids–some I mention on the video, and

some you’ll just see me DOING:

1. Make it relevant to their lives. (In Ten’s case, link it to sports


2. Keep it short. (I didn’t do a good job of this in the video. This

was for your benefit to tell you a bunch of things you can say to YOUR


3. Make it interesting.

4. Make it visual.

5. Involve them. Ask them questions.

6. Avoid clichés like “eat your greens.” Tell them WHY eat greens.

7. Use car time. We spend a lot of time in the car. They’re trapped

there. So talk to them about things that matter when they can’t roll their

eyes and run away.

8. Ask them what they notice, when they eat right, and praise their

good choices!

Posted in: Relationships, Videos, Whole Food

15 thoughts on “Educate your kids about nutrition!”

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  1. Such a great video! Thanks for sharing this. I have three boys and although they’re younger than your kids, I’ve been sharing all of the information you’ve discussed with them and think it’s so important to teach them the fundamentals of TRUE nutrition!

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is great ! thankyou!, i have actually got my 11 year old son drinking green smoothies,my 8 year old daughter not so much, the slightest smell or even sight of them makes her want to throw up!!! lol, i will keep trying!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    The video was great!! I am a grandmother and I am working at getting my grandchildren knowledgeable about eating right. I have found all your ideas very beneficial . Thanks! Keep up the good work.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Great idea to do a video. Info was good. Almost impossible to hear Tennyson’s words. Please do it again with the mic much closer to him than you or get him to be louder and you quieter. I was a wee bit like a lecture, could you show it more as him helping you spread the healthy message.

    I have friends who have raw vegan kids and friends who have omniverous kids and the difference between the behaviour is amazing. Their ability to learn seems to be compromised by their behaviour. If only all kids could have the chance of the raw vegan diet the whole world would be a better place. Keep spreading the word.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robyn,

    I’ve recently learned about and then tuned into your website (via the Green Smoothie Queen, Tera), and it is informative and also Down-To-Earth — which is the inspiring part. I love your 3 quart method — one immediately, one in fridge and one in freezer… And your Costco tips (you know, they have some organic greens!). You make it all seem quite possible, while you manage to raise 4 kids! So when I tell people about Green Smoothies, I always mention you and I say “and she has 4 kids at home!”. Really, if you can do it, anyone can.

    Now, the truth is, I’m 49, and I don’t even have kids, nor am I likely to have kids, but I think this is a GREAT video! I am often sharing info on Green Smoothies with my extended family, who live all over the East (MA, Virginia, North Carolina, PA) — One of my brothers has now had a quart a day since Dec 27th (our other brother gave him a VitaMix for Christmas!), and my brother-in-law now makes 64 ounces every morning and shares it with his son. I just visited an older sister on Cape Cod, took the VitaMix and a bunch of fruits, vegies, some figs and prunes, and I made lots of Green Smoothies… Her husband is more interested. Funny how in our family it is the men who are grabbing ahold of the Green Smoothie idea and running with it.

    So, I would not necessarily do a whole presentation for them, but still, this info (re; bones, and Coke, and calcium) is perfect for “kids of any age” (and all those siblings and in-laws are over 50! — and all are fairly active/athletic and would like to continue to be active and athletic).

    The bottom line is: Simple is good, visual is good — for all ages, I find. Really, we don’t need a million books on it (though I’m getting there) or a million emails (I’m there too) — we just need to DO IT!! That’s the challenge, and that is where your simplicity helps so much. I’m getting better and just making the smoothies and enjoying them, rather than reading about them and talking about them!

    thx for the info, and the example!


  6. Anonymous says:

    Robyn thanks for sharing that!

    I’m slowing incorporating the green smoothies into my sons diet. He doesn’t complain too much and usually likes them but it’s great to be armed with more info to share with him.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I would suggest miking the kid so we can hear him.

  8. Anonymous says:

    my 5 kids age 20 down to 9, will drink it about 40% of them time, mostly with bribes. But we’re working on it.

    However, my 13 and 9 year old passed up having cheetos at a bbq the other day. I was a few feet away and I heard them they say that junk food doesn’t taste right and makes them feel sick! Atleast they are starting to listen to their bodies!

  9. Anonymous says:


    I’ve only been doing green smoothies because I happened upon your website!! Thank goodness. I have to say I feel better than I have in a long time. I use your methods to instill the benefits of green smoothies to my HUSBAND!!! LOL. He has been receptive to supporting my efforts and reluctantly agreed to “participate”. He only drinks a pint a day, but he has been fastidious in doing so. He too has sung the praises of green smoothies and says he feels better. We both have arthritis and have been feeling much less pain. Thank you for your persistence and efforts in bringing nutrition knowledge to us all.


  10. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Only been doing green smoothies for a couple of weeks now.

  11. Thanks, Robyn! I have a 10-year-old boy/sports fan, too, and notice he tunes out instantly when I try to talk about nutrition with him. He’s been living with his dad during the week because of school logistics, and Dad loves the “10 for 10” deals at the grocery store–10 bags of Oreos for $10! Who could pass that up!? Argh. But Cisco just came down with FOUR cavities (I made his dad get the mercury-free fillings, at least; didn’t press my luck on the BPA-filled amalgams), so my boy’s starting to see some real consequences to his dietary preferences. Will have a SHORT, non-lecturing talk with him this weekend, as I think he’ll be more open now…. Thanks for your work, and good luck with David Wolfe. Terrific!

  12. Anonymous says:

    I’d repost this to my twitter feed and face book page. This info is so helpful to so many parents. Thanks Robin, and keep up the good work. It makes such a difference. I’ve gone through yet another winter season without my kids visiting the doctor once. I’ve burned up a few blenders, even a pretty expensive one. But even with those costs I’ve saved more with three healthy kids. I think I need to check out your blender next.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Robyn! I always get sooo excited when I see you have a video about teaching children! It helps me to be inspired and no where to start with my own four children and two on the way! That is a BIG problem for me at my house it getting them on board with the way I think and why! Have you ever taught classes just for kids? I would love to bring mine. If you do please let me know we WILL be there! Thanks so much! Amy K

  14. Anonymous says:

    Can’t wait for my kids to come home to share this with them!!! GO RED SOX!!! I live outside of Boston and am a true fan!! Hope that you enjoyed your visit to Fenway! I have 3 kids and the fruit is definitely key to “change the color” Thanks for all your info.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This is a great video. It’s very relevant to me because I am exactly your age and my youngest son, Jared, is exactly Tennyson’s age and we ski together a lot. Jared is all about basketball (Go Jimmer) so the hard bone and soft bone discussion was very on-point. We watched this video right after Jared scared the daylights out of me by jumping OFF the trampoline. He landed it nicely, but I was not amused. Do more kids videos. That was great! Thanks Robyn.

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