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Who you gonna call, Part V: top-secret advice!

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 19, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

So I just wrecked the pedestal underneath the Fat Diet Docs and celebs, the personal trainers, the network marketers’ pills, potions, and juices, and the blood type and metabolic typing docs.

I hope you’re not feeling without answers.   Moms write me and tell me they read about nutrition and go to bed in tears because of all the complexity and confusion, and that’s heartbreaking.   Who can blame them?   There is no subject wherein the most educated among us are more confused than the field of WHAT TO EAT.

But answers are usually easy and pure.   Remember the Biblical story of the man Jesus told to go and wash his eyes in the river?   The man cost himself a cure because it was too simple.  In an age of technology, complexity, and an excess of information and opinion, we expect the answers to be hard.   But the answers, when it comes to what fuel to put in our body, are so simple that they’re (ironically) hard for a modern mind to comprehend!

It’s hard, I know, to let go of the idea that you have to eat a bunch of pills every day. The calcium! The fish oil! The hair-growth formula! It’s endless, and it’s just a variation on the drug approach to health, really.  Here’s the secret:  

Eat simple food that grows in the dirt.   Wash it first.   Cook it as little as possible.   Drink lots of clean water.

An orange is better than a two-ounce drink of magic juice (pasteurized, in a really sweet-lookin’ bottle that costs $30) from the tip-top of a mountain range some peasants climbed barefoot to harvest, in a remote part of a country you’ve never heard of.   If you are going to pay for foods not quite in their original form, as much as possible, make sure they’re

not heated above 100 degrees

not changed, concentrated, or adulterated in any way

devoid of chemicals, sweeteners, and fillers

That makes  a rather short list of things that are worth your hard-earned money.

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Healthy Weight, Relationships, Whole Food

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