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When Green Smoothie Girl Meets Red Meat Boy

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 18, 2010 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

One of my favorite subjects (I might write a whole book) is how to get the kids or spouse on board, eating whole foods.

I get notified via Google Alerts daily about what people are saying about GSG on the web. I don’t usually go into most of them, but here’s one today I think is pretty great called When Green Smoothie Girl Meets Red Meat Boy:

Her 10 tips include

10. Make two versions of meals
9. Make green smoothies purple with berries
8. Don’t be a martyr
7. Don’t be a bitch
6. Go grocery shopping together
5. Give in where it doesn’t matter
4. Find out the limits
3. Share your knowledge
2. Don’t be a soup Nazi
1. Have him watch Food, Inc.

Posted in: Whole Food

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