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Robyn Openshaw - Nov 25, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I tell you for the next 3 days what treatment at Oasis consists of, most of which I participated in, myself.

I will report in more detail in the book and documentary we are working on. In the coming year, Dr. Lodi and an international investor are opening a clinic that will not only serve cancer patients better with even more services, but will also offer a holistic healing spa for people like me who want to participate in the therapies for wellness, anti-aging, and prevention. They closed on a property while I was there. Very exciting!

This is the original 4-minute video I saw by Dr. Lodi. I was completely gripped by it, and immediately wanted to go visit:

I recommend before you go to Oasis, you contact Clothilde and ask her your questions. She’s delightful and patient-oriented. Ask before you go how you can get the most treatments in your day as possible, if you’re coming from out of town to stay for a month. If your energy is strong and you’re ambitious like I am, see if you can schedule these healing therapies from 9 a.m. through 5 p.m. every day–don’t miss a thing! See if you can get in the sauna twice a day–I highly recommend it.

Here are modalities used at Oasis–I personally did all of them except UV light and IPT:

Juice Feast: You can choose to eat raw vegan meals, or drink just juice, or water fast. Just veggie juice is much better than chewed food, if you’re wanting to starve out cancer cells, because you’re getting the nutrition of 15-20 lbs. of vegetables every day, that way. And a water fast is best of all. Phil makes you 3 quarts of green juice (see my blog entry a week or so ago with the recipe), and a quart of alkalizing juice (ginger lemonaide). It would take you a couple of hours, and about $50, to make that amount of juice. I never managed to finish more than three quarts. And because I ran 5 miles every morning, I did eat some of Kels’ raw-food meals. (He’s my filmmaker and he was leaving to get takeout every night, so it was going to waste!)


Minor Autohemo Therapy: Nurses removed a vial of blood from my arm. Then they added oxygen to the vial and I shook it hard for a few minutes, watching it turn my blood bright red. Then they injected it back into my hip. As Dr. Lodi predicted, after you have it done, you feel like you can walk on water! Remember, cancer can’t live in the presence of oxygen. Cancer is fermentative and thrives in an anaerobic environment, devoid of oxygen. For this reason, many holistic cancer treatments, like this one, are oxidative. Major autohemo is more expensive but more comprehensive: it pulls a pint or more of blood out of the body and oxygenates it and puts it back in.

Intravenous Vita C: Massive intravenous doses of Vitamin C have been linked to extending the lifespan of cancer patients, and in fact working well as a complementary chemotherapy adjunct. You can google for peer-reviewed journal articles. Injected into the blood in doses you could not possibly swallow, effects are seen that do not occur with oral supplementation, including selective killing of cancer tumor cells. Even traditional oncology is beginning to use it. While meeting with Shirley, Dr. L pulled a journal article out of a file that showed the National Cancer Institute, the FDA, and National Institutes of Health verifying the efficacy of intravenous Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide. He said, “Take this to your insurance company, and sometimes they’ll reimburse you for the treatment.” (Pathetic that they don’t just pay for it upfront, that patients must beg for this very logical and non-toxic treatment.)

Vita C is one of the most-studied, most-potent antioxidants known to man. Imagine it running around your body mopping up, neutralizing free radicals that feed your cancer cells.

TWELVE more therapies described in the next 2 days.

Posted in: Detox

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