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Triple Doubles and Green Smoothies

Robyn Openshaw - Feb 02, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Here's a photo of Tennyson and his green smoothie today. Could eating 20+ servings of vegetables and fruits daily be a factor in his Triple Double last week? (No, that's not McDonald's latest offering. In basketball, it's the rare feat of earning double digits in three different categories. Saturday Ten had 11 assists and steals, 12 points, and 10 rebounds.)

My 17-y.o. son Kincade told me today that he was talking to his friend's mom. He told her, "Most people's moms? When their kid leaves, she says, 'Love you! Be safe! Have a good day!' MY mom? She calls out, '"Did you drink your green smoothie?'"

I laughed but was a little indignant. I said, "Hey, I do better than that! I say, "Did you drink your green smoothie? LOVE YOU!'"

Ah, my legacy as the health-food-nut mom.

Kincade often rates the smoothie. His assessment today: "Solid effort, Mom!"

Yesterday I took cookies into Tennyson's classroom for his "half-birthday." I am a founder of Ten's charter school, so it's a small place and we all know each other. So every member of the administration and teachers in the hallway, on the way to the 5th grade classroom, stopped me to say, "What does GreenSmoothieGirl make for classroom treats?"

It was peanut butter cookies, from Ch. 11 of 12 Steps. Coconut oil (with some applesauce substituted for it, avoids the cookies being crumbly), home-ground whole-wheat flour, natural peanut butter, unrefined salt (and less of it than a traditional recipe calls for), unrefined coconut sugar, organic free range eggs, no-aluminum baking powder.

Ten said they were a big hit.

When you earn the label of the earthy-crunchy mom, make sure you don't blow it and let people down! They're going to expect good things from you. (I could never show my face again if I took donuts into that school. Not that I would anyway!)


Posted in: Green Smoothies, Relationships, Whole Food

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