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The Essential GreenSmoothieGirl Library: Part 6

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 02, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

If you want to do a colon cleanse, here is one of my favorite books on that topic, with a link to Amazon to buy it.

Bernard Jensen’s “Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management” is a must-read for anyone willing to face his claim that the average person is carrying 10 lbs. of impacted fecal material.

The last 25 pages are color photos of what those who undergo a colon cleanse actually eliminate, and I am warning you that it may turn your stomach. However, it may also be just the motivation you need to get rid of it. Great information is in this book from an early pioneer in health, healing, nutrition, and cleansing. Dr. Jensen is a man who lived, well into his 90’s, what he preached.

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Tools & Products, Whole Food

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