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The “Difficult Patient”: Euro Cancer Travels, Part 4

Robyn Openshaw - Jan 24, 2013 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

In my tour of alternatives to chemo and radiation, throughout Europe, I encountered Dr. Alexander Herzog. He’s a traditionally trained oncologist, and he does administer chemotherapy in his small hospital called Fachklinik. Generally he does only low-dose chemotherapy combined with hyperthermia.

Hyperthermia is possibly the most evidence-based of the “alternatives” in cancer research. I did it myself, on camera, while I studied at Fachklinik. It takes a few hours to raise the body’s core temperature to 104 – 106 degrees. This elevates activity of T cells and lymphocytes. It burns out cancer cells. And it makes radiation and chemotherapy more effective on the cancer, and less deadly to healthy cells.

Most of the alternatives to slash/burn/poison do not have an industry backing them with millions of dollars for clinical trials. So one of the major uphill battles of anything “alternative” oriented is that the patient in an oncologist’s office is immediately bombarded with “studies.”

That’s another series of blog entries altogether, to expose the tactics of how statistics and “research” are manipulated, especially for breast cancer, a topic we’ll set aside for now.

But worldwide research, including a lot in universities in Germany, point to the efficacy of activating the immune response by inducing artificial fever via hyperthermia. Dr. Herzog said full-body hyperthermia is most effective for breast cancer, advanced cervical cancer, and sarcomas.

Dr. Herzog told me that his patients have opted out of the cancer machine and come to his clinic because they have been deemed “difficult patients.”

“You,” he told me, “would be a difficult patient.”

He said this affectionately with a smile. He says he likes the difficult ones. They are disliked, and even kicked out, sometimes, in traditional oncology clinics. He quoted a study to me (which I fear will be in German, but I will track it down) that difficult patients (highly involved, studiers, seekers) have the best outcomes.

Most patients, he said, do little or no research and simply put themselves in the doctor’s hands. They shut their eyes tight and submit to the burning gamma rays, or the needle in the arm, or both, and hope for the best.

Understandably, fear grips them. When I talk to these cancer patients, I say, “This is important. This is NOT an emergency.” When I interviewed Dr. Herzog and asked him what he’d want a cancer patient to know, immediately, he said,

“That you have time to research. Get a second opinion.” He feels that life-and-death decisions should not be made in a moment of fearful paralysis.

Remember Oprah’s quote: “When we know better, we do better.” (Do you decrease your mortality rate, then, just by reading this blog? 😉 The kind of people who read my blog are reading widely from other sources, too, I bet.)

Know BetterThe “difficult patient” is simply an educated one, who asks a lot of questions. That’s how Dr. Herzog defined it.

Please. Be a difficult patient, if you find yourself a patient. Tomorrow I tell you what I’ve learned watching four people close to me in 2012 diagnosed with cancer, and their choices.

Posted in: Health Concerns

11 thoughts on “The “Difficult Patient”: Euro Cancer Travels, Part 4”

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  1. tmariel says:

    Some cancers are very fast growing, and it can be an “emergency”. You don’t always have a long time to look at options. It is completely overwhelming and very scary to have to make drastic choices with your health when you are also emotionally overwhelmed. I grew up living on whole foods and using alternative medicine. I said that I would never do chemotherapy. But when I found out this year that I had cancer, suddenly I was open to anything that would help me live longer. It was really interesting how I could even consider chemotherapy, since I know all the arguments against it.

    The cancer I’ve had is the fastest growing kind there is, and honestly within a month it could have spread to my lungs, brain, or other areas. It is also the kind with the very best “cure rate” using chemotherapy. (I know that cure rates can be misleading) I also have a neighbor who just died of pancreatic cancer about a month after being diagnosed. I think that is why so many people get scared into doing chemotherapy. Luckily, all that I did naturally started working immediately, and I have a supportive oncologist who monitors my cancer with a weekly blood test. It looks like my cancer is almost gone. I feel very blessed, but I also am very understanding of how hard it is to say “no, I won’t do what my doctor recommends.” Hopefully someday modern and alternative medicine practitioners will work together to effectively cure cancer. Until then, it can be a heartrending decision. Thanks for helping spread the word about natural therapies that really work.

    1. Ahmed says:

      hi. would you please share how you cured your cancer, which treatments you used? thanks a lot for your support.

      1. Elsa Anderson says:

        Hi Ahmed, You may also be very interested in learning more about Robyn’s close friend, Chris Wark’s protocol. I will leave a few links below for you.

        Beat Cancer with Chris Wark: https://greensmoothiegirl.local/your-high-vibration-life/episodes/ep-21-beat-cancer-with-chris-wark/
        Avoid Cancer with Chris Wark: https://greensmoothiegirl.local/your-high-vibration-life/episodes/ep-38-avoid-cancer-with-chris-wark/

        Square One – Healing Cancer Coaching Program:

  2. lu says:

    Robyn…I’m a newcomer to your blog, so please forgive if I bring up something you have already discussed.
    In your travels and search for information, have you encountered the Delta Research Institute and their BX Protocol Antitoxin?
    Very compeling!!!! Would LOVE to know your thoughts.

  3. Lu says:

    Robyn – in your quest, have you investigated Delta Institute (BX Protocol Antitoxin)? MOST COMPELLING! I would appreciate your looking into their program.

  4. AnnaJ says:

    Thanks, Robyn. One challenge I’ve had as a ‘difficult’ patient is finding a medical professional who honors my participation and genuinely wants to work WITH me. I’m not a cancer patient, and I probably have above average health for an American (yikes, sad!) I’ve been to several doctors in my adult years and haven’t had a good enough experience to stick with them. Currently I have no primary care physician, although my health insurance provides a list of ‘approved’ doctors in my area. Can we please let go of that paradigm, America?!?! The medical profession can be so useful for running diagnostics and treating acute injuries and illnesses, but I don’t want them overseeing my well care or my sick care. The medical approach is not holistic, so why should I ask them to oversee anything? Shouldn’t they be part of a holistic team, happy to offer their knowledge and skills when called upon to do so? So far the only professional I’ve encountered who is encouraging me to think holistically and who honors my efforts in that regard is my acupuncturist!

    1. Robyn says:

      Anna J, i find the same thing. Usually M.D.’s are either condescending and sneer at all things holistic, or they are indifferent. There is the rare oncologist or M.D. who actually educates himself and suggests other treatment to the patient beyond what he can bill using insurance codes. Very, very rare.

  5. Marissa says:

    I do not know how to contact you via e-mail right now. I am fairly new to this and I am loving it. I am doing research myself with trying to know what is best for me to eat. I tried to search your blog and website to see if you have said anything about agave. As you probably know there is some controversy with if its healthy or not for you and if its processed. I have even read its just as bad as corn syrup? I know you can’t believe everything you read. I love the research you do and was wondering what you thought about it and what you have learned. Thanks so much.

    1. Robyn says:

      Hi Marissa, we have a cust support team and don’t post my personal email because we get such a high volume of email and people would just be frustrated by my inability to respond to it all., on my cust support team, knows the site content, and 12 Steps, and nutrition in general, the best. I don’t know why you haven’t come up with my writing on agave controversy when you searched the site, because I have done that subject rather comprehensively!

  6. Laura Jackson says:

    I’m the one who spoke with you about the aspartame in milk last night and OMG, I just happened upon this article after attending your seminar last night. I had breast cancer 4 years ago and went to Dr. Herzog’s klinik for treatment! Robyn, I would have loved to tell you but there was no time. When gathering info on what treatment I was going to get I saw a local oncologist. He was pompus to say the least. He went on to write on his white board in red marker “Stage 3” and proceeded to draw out a box listing the chemo he will give me and the side effects. I made it clear I was just there for information and was not making any decisions today. He wanted to start chemo the following Monday. I left his office and never returned. Since then, I have been juicing and smoothie-making and have never felt better in my life, mentally and physically. Now I have the sugar thing back after no sugar for a year after diagnosis. I just read your sugar article and you’re right. No cookie is worth 10,000 dollars and I find that I AM thinking about sugar constantly, all day. I have realized in the past that when sugar is “off limits”, I can concentrate on so many other aspects of my life so much easier! We sure do think alike and you have a great way of putting it into words.

  7. Kelly Rodriguez says:

    I would like information regarding some treatments. I was diagnosed 5 years ago with breast cancer. I declined conventional treatments of radiation and chemotherapy but did opt for mastectomy at that time. I took a product call Salicinium at that time which contained mistletoe before and after surgery. Recently went to the doctor and they found a cyst. To date I do not know whether it is benign or cancerous but I do not wish to do conventional. Of course the whole circus starts again and I just cannot go through the “if you don’t do what I tell you to,” you are going to die again. I did tell one doctor that “at least I would die my way.” Anyhow, I have learned a lot, studied a lot but still do not know enough and I am interested in information. I am wondering what treatment options are available for people who run out of money. I used everything I had the first time. Now I am running on fumes.

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