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the best food dehydrator on the market . . . part 1 of 3

Robyn Openshaw - Dec 11, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Today I’m telling you about one of my favorite tools for incorporating fantastic plant-food nutrition into your diet.   This is my favorite appliance, second only to the BlendTec Total Blender.   It’s the Excalibur dehydrator, my “oven,” the best rated food dehydrator in the world.   See if the person who loves you most wants to get you this for Christmas:

Get your dehydrator now!

You can buy cheaper food dryers.   The cheap ones do not have temperature controls, unfortunately, so if you’re going to buy one of the small, Walmart-type brands, you’ll have to vent by opening up the trays, and use a thermometer to try to control the heat to not go above 116 degrees.


But you truly can’t buy one better for preserving the nutrition in raw foods than Excalibur’s.   If you have a family, you can also make big batches because the 3000 models have nine trays, so you can dry several recipes at once, or doubled/tripled batches.

Excalibur is not only the gold standard in dehydrating, but the company knows raw food well and is used and endorsed by all the pre-eminent raw foodists (Cousens, Boutenko, Kulvinskas, and more).   Dehydrating is the best way to preserve the essential properties of fruits and vegetables, and those are ENZYMES, VITAMINS, and MINERALS.   It’s also a great way to preserve the summer harvest and stock up your pantry with LIVE food.

Posted in: Tools & Products

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