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The best cancer clinic I’ve ever been to……Europe travels part 3

Robyn Openshaw - Jan 22, 2013 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Paracelsus Clinic SwitzerlandIt’s the Swiss Mountain Clinic (formerly Paracelsus al Ronc) in the gorgeous Southern Swiss Alps. My favorite holistic clinic (specializing in cancer but also treating for heavy metals, Lyme’s and so many other things), in 18 months of traveling the world and studying at many clinics on several continents.

I was astonished, by the quality diagnostics, compassionate, amazing doctor (Petra Wiechel, M.D.), the broad range of excellent treatments (IV chelation, hyperthermia, colonics, far too many to name here), and the relative affordability.

What a find. It wasn’t covered in the sources I read on holistic treatment. Just a mention in one of them, so it’s kind of a miracle I ended up going there. It might be the best-kept secret in holistic medical (and cancer) treatment on the planet. They used to work under the other Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmuhle in the north, and until they became independent, they were required to charge Americans double!

Literally half the cost of many other places I’ve been, even in Mexico where accommodations are 2-star and very hospital-like, and/or famous clinics where you stay off-site and fend for yourself with food in a hotel room. Less than half the cost of the northern Switzerland Paracelsus (where I also studied), where accommodation and food are not included and a tiny hotel room is $200/night.

The food at the Swiss Mountain Clinic is a pure Coy Diet buffet. I highly approve of this diet, which is unknown in the U.S.—developed by a PhD cancer researcher.  At the Swiss Mountain Clinic they have gourmet chefs making the food taste far better than other clinics who go to the trouble of serving a no-sugar, gluten-free, dairy-free, alkaline, high-raw diet. They also serve the Budwig protocol of blended quark and flax oil (described on this blog a few weeks ago, which I’ve incorporated into my own diet).

The friend I took to Europe, to run my camera, eats a GSG-influenced Standard American Diet (a bit better than most, but the point is, unlike me, she eats like most Americans), and she said she loved the food at Paracelsus al Ronc.

Plan on about $6,500 for the two weeks, plus your airfare. It will be one of the singular experiences of your life. I can’t wait! Send an email to come with us. We are going May 5-19, see my last blog entry, for a 2-week, intensive LIVER DETOX or HEAVY METAL RECOVERY program, your choice.

Incidentally, I will teach an evening workshop during the retreat. But I personally will charge $0.00 for this. The cost will be exactly what we have negotiated with the clinic, what they would charge any cancer patient coming to the clinic. Again, none of it goes to me.

(One of the core values of my cancer research is that I will not accept commissions to send people to any specific clinic. Now or ever. I have been offered them and I just said, “no thank you.” Virtually everyone out there is doing that—there are brokers who will tell you which clinic to go to. The minute you receive commissions…..which clinics do you want to pitch a cancer patient on? That’s right, the one that pays you the most. We won’t do it.)

Either program you choose at the clinic will be a full-time rotation of treatments, all day, 6 days a week, with meal breaks. But healthy people and people with diagnoses other than cancer are invited! I am going for the amazing atmosphere, the disease prevention, the learning opportunity, and the joy of spending some time with a small group of my readers who want to learn, heal, detox, rejuvenate, and enjoy.

Dr. Petra Wiechel

Dr. Petra Wiechel

Their website is purely in German, and Dr. Wiechel and her family who run the clinic have functional, rather than fluent, English. We got around just fine by utilizing a vocabulary-translating program on the computer. But that is officially the only complaint I have. Thus losing half a point on my 10-point scale. Thus far Paracelsus is the only clinic to rate above a 7.5 in my cancer research and writing. The Swiss Mountain Clinic is a 9.5.

U.S. clinics do better than most European clinics I’ve been to, with the diet piece. Hippocrates Institute in Florida, hands down, wins the 100% raw, sprouts, alkaline, fresh-juicing, anti-cancer PERFECTION award. The food is as yummy as possible given the restrictions. (That is, not very.)

Hippocrates is absolutely vigilant about preserving Ann Wigmore’s dietary principles. You get FRUIT only two mornings a week! The facility itself is a spa, four-star like the Swiss Mountain Clinic, total heaven. I am visiting there for the second time, in March. Hippocrates is very expensive, and far more people are there at any given time (about 100).

The German clinics I went to served cake and tea at 4 pm, and there was sugar and salt on every table, and dessert served at the main meal. (In Europe, unlike the U.S. the main meal is lunch, and dinner is light. What a great idea!)

German and Swiss clinics are efficient and well run. (Think Swiss clocks!) This means you get more treatments in a day. A few places in the U.S. are disorganized and chaotic.

Mexican clinics are less expensive, but accommodations are 2-star and some people will choke on having to go to Tijuana. (However, I’ve been 3 times in my cancer studies, they drive you in, and I felt very safe though I did not go out of the clinic.) There are some very caring doctors, and some excellent treatments, at many of the places I have visited.

None compare to the Swiss Mountain Clinic, though, on all of the qualities I am looking for. I want treatment to be broad-ranging, covering four major areas:

detox and chelation

immune building

outstanding nutrition (with education on how to do it at home)

non-toxic cancer-kill strategies

I want compassionate, extremely knowledgeable and experienced physicians, preferably with both “School of Medicine” (M.D.) credentials, as well as additional biological (holistic) physician training. I want treatment to be affordable. I want the clinic to be run efficiently so patients get the most out of their time there, as it is expensive.

The Swiss Mountain Clinic is all that and more. I can’t wait to go again, and to share the experience with a handful of my friends. Of course I’ll photograph and write about it here. Write if you want to come!

Posted in: Detox

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