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Texas A&M Coach Changes His Life Drinking Green Smoothies

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 01, 2015 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

billy kennnedy

Billy Kennedy

I got an email this week about this Houston Chronicle news story, about Texas A&M Coach Billy Kennedy and his wife reading my bestseller The Green Smoothies Diet. Check out how Coach Kennedy’s health has improved, after a scary diagnosis and then 2 years of drinking a quart of green smoothies a day. This gives my life’s work meaning, and I love emails telling me your stories!

A&M’s Kennedy uses new diet to combat Parkinson’s

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Green Smoothies, Tools & Products

7 thoughts on “Texas A&M Coach Changes His Life Drinking Green Smoothies”

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  1. Absolutely love this! I have multiple family members that are Aggies and many friends who also attended Texas A&M. I will be sharing this testimony with them for sure!

  2. BJ says:

    I don’t have a food processor just an old blender. How to I get the spinach etc… to blend smoothly? I’d like to find a green smoothie drink that I could do. Thank you

  3. Mary says:

    the link does not go anywhere!

  4. Mary says:

    As I mentioned last week in a comment (that has not been posted) this link does not seem to be operational… I would love to read further about his story.

  5. The link is broken and I can’t finish reading unless I subscribe to a newspaper for which they want money. Is there another way you can put the article on your website?

    1. Caroline says:

      Virginiaedwards777- the link is fixed now so you should be able to read the entire article. Thank you for letting us know about the broken link!
      ~Green Smoothie Girl Blog Manager

      1. Thank you…I read it. Great article.

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