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Switzerland Blew My Mind – Come With Me Again This November

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 16, 2024 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Swiss Mountain Clinic - Robyn Openshaw

As you may know, I’ve led 10 retreats at the incredible Swiss Mountain Clinic in Switzerland.

It's my “home away from home,” and I love going there for a liver detox every year. I discovered them in 2011 during a research tour of 20 clinics worldwide.

I’m returning to Switzerland in November 2024, and you’re welcome to come with me.

I’m going back, even though I was just there, because so many people have asked me to take them there.

When I went in July, a new technology they invested in to filter the blood of disease-causing pathogens, glyphosate, metals, plastics, solvents, and more – blew my mind.

I didn’t even know when I went if I would do it. I did, twice, and – you need to hear about this!

In this article:

We’re Going Back to Switzerland in 2024!

I have always gone for the amazing liver detox, food, company, hikes and views, and the talented, empathetic, prevention-oriented medical treatments.

But I thought it would be my last retreat.

WHO and EU may impose vaccine mandates next year.

Many predict that the Pandemic Treaty will fail at the WHO annual conference in 2025. Plus, the EU and WHO appear to have taken down their articles announcing that in January 2024.

INUSpheresis — The New Amazing Blood-Filtering Treatment

Robyn Openshaw detox

These petrochemical solvents (the smaller bag) came out of my body in a blood-filtering process in Switzerland.

I posted photos of the incredible, awful stuff that was filtered out of my blood, quite painlessly, in 2.5 hours, twice –

– and so many people have contacted me wanting to go do it that I’m taking anyone back from November 10-24, 2024.

INUSpheresis is not approved by North American regulatory agencies, so only 10 European clinics offer it.

Swiss Mountain Clinic is one of them.

Since investing in several of these machines and hiring more nurses, the business there has exploded since I left five years ago due to the amazing results people get from them.

They’d done some beautiful renovating and updating – I was amazed. Since discovering it in 2011, I’ve always found the place incredible.

I feel like a million bucks since doing INUSpheresis twice!

A few days later, when I’d flown back home, I realized how EXTRA great I felt. (At first, I got a minor rash, with all the toxins flooding out of me.)

Join Me in November!

If you can, come for about $6K for your whole first week – or double that if you can come for two weeks – and save a bit if you bring a roommate, or we give you one.

That’s for the whole liver detox package in the first week and a more personalized program in the second week.

When we get there, you will choose whether to get the INUSpheresis treatment based on the US dollar versus the Swiss franc.

(There’s been a lot of volatility lately. Plan on it costing several thousand dollars. I’m sorry, none of this is cheap. Our detox is if you want to detox at home.)

I could not believe how much petroleum-based junk came out of me. I have three theories on my toxic exposures that caused this (weird for a person who eats organic and plant-based to have similar output to the average person) –

– and my FIRST theory about my toxic exposures is all the 10,000-ish supplements I’ve taken since my 20s. (Now that I’ve learned how solvents are involved in making the vast majority of them.)

Although I had a weird rash for three days afterward, as toxins had been flooding out, I flew home a week later, and ever since, I have felt AMAZING!

After all, I just removed a quarter of what looks like gasoline from my body with two INUSpheresis treatments. No wonder I feel amazing.

We’ll talk more about it if you come to Switzerland.

You can book your trip here.

Swiss Mountain Clinic with Robyn Openshaw

More About the Trip to Switzerland

I also have colleagues who want to run retreats, so if my dates of Nov 10-24, 2024, don’t work for you – you can go with one of my colleagues!

We’ll add their trips to this page over a few months.

I paid $2,000 to fly to Milan in July. Right now, a flight in November is under $1,000. So, if airfares are down for you, you should jump on this if you want to come.

You’ll have beautifully plated meals made by an amazing chef to prepare you for a highly productive liver flush, which is beneficial for detoxification and getting back to optimal health.

Also, there is a daily sauna, Bemer (a high-end energetic device), and other do-it-yourself health aids, and there are about two holistic health treatments per day that you can read about in your one – or two-week program here.

We then celebrate at a healthy, four-course Gala Dinner with live music. I am already getting very excited about it!

Please see all the diagnostics and treatments you’ll receive in your first week at the bottom of this post.

Stay for one or two weeks. Or, chronically ill folks who want more treatment after we leave, three weeks if you can!

We’ll email you about what to eat.

If you stay a second week, you get a complimentary Oligoscan to detect mineral levels, deficiencies, and heavy metals in your body.

If you have a serious illness and want concierge medicine, please contact the Swiss Mountain Clinic and book directly with them.

If you’re considering the one or two-week option but want to discuss your questions, book a call with Helen. She’s worked for me for nine years and has visited this fantastic clinic herself!

Also, there’s a Facebook group called Swiss Mountain Clinic Friends that you can request to join to ask us questions. Most people in that group have already been to the clinic with me, so it’s a good resource.

What You’ll Get if You Join Me at the Swiss Mountain Clinic

Swiss Mountain Clinic Food

Some of the delicious, healthy, prepared-for-you food at the Swiss Mountain clinic

Everyone who attends should realize in advance that almost all the medical professionals you will interact with are NOT native English speakers. They range from barely functional in English to fairly fluent – and Americans should be so advised. Virtually all the staff speak 3+ languages.

I discovered this clinic on a world research tour of 20 clinics where medical doctors practice functional medicine, or “holistic” medicine. And from all over the world, my very favorite was Dr. Petra Wiechel at this gorgeous clinic:

You’ll stay on-site in a beautiful room overlooking the Calanca Valley in Switzerland, just a short way from Italy.

Your treatments and meals daily are just a few steps away, using an elevator, in the 7-floor clinic!

We’ll take guided hikes in the most beautiful scenery you’ve ever experienced and go on an excursion to a lovely tourist town once a week.

We’ll have everything done for us – to have a relaxing, rejuvenating, health-restoring liver flush and have a great time together!


  • 1 week double room: $5,940
  • 1 week single room: $6,670
  • 2 weeks double room: $11,600
  • 2 weeks single room: $12,655

This retreat is not inexpensive, but it’s the least expensive one I found after researching 20 clinics worldwide. And it’s the highest-quality program I’ve ever found.

Plus, Dr. Petra Wiechel is the best doctor I’ve ever known. The doctors here are not your average functional medicine doctors who just run labs and prescribe pills.

They are deeply educated about what a good liver-detox preparation diet is, and a good liver flush, what the lifestyle changes are that lead to a healthy, disease-free life, and they live what they preach; they walk the talk. 

More About the Blood-Filtering INUSpherese Treatment

Robyn's INUSpheresis Experience!

INUSpherese blood-filtering treatment is available at a discounted rate, but I do not have that rate because the dollar has been sliding against the franc. I expect it to be as high as $4,500 for the first and $4,000 for the second, but hopefully, the dollar will rise and be cheaper.

If you wish to learn more about it when we get there and do it during your stay, the doctors and I will give an orientation to INUSpheresis in your first two days and show you what several patients have recently eliminated.

Limited spots are available. Just once, at the retreat I ran in July, of the 43 people who attended, one patient waited until the end to decide to do it and was declined because a nurse is dedicated to your whole 3-hour treatment. So, the availability of INUS treatments is finite.

When I arrived in July, I was unsure I’d do it, even though I knew Mick Jagger and Keith Richards would fly in for it and swear by it. It exploded the clinic's popularity.

But in conversations with the doctors, the nurses, and 6+ patients who had done it before, I decided to do it.

I am so glad I did. I was afraid they wouldn’t be able to use my left arm vein, and they’d have to use a groin vein, anesthetized. The nurse hit both my arm/hand veins the first time in both my treatments, and nobody who attended had to use a groin vein.

(One needle is for blood to leave the body, and the other is to return it.)

INUSpheresis does not damage the blood but filters it for heavy metals, glyphosate, solvents and industrial toxins, spike and other pathogenic proteins, and more. Then, your total blood volume is returned to your body.

SMC is one of only 10–12 European clinics to offer this amazing treatment. If you choose a second INUSpherese treatment, subsequent treatments are at a 10% lower rate.

If you want to talk with Helen on the phone to ask questions and learn more, book a free 30-minute call with her. She’s been to the clinic and worked with me daily at GreenSmoothieGirl for nine years.

The Treatments You’ll Receive at the Swiss Mountain Clinic

Robyn receiving a full-body hyperthermia treatment at the Swiss Mountain Clinic.

A full-body hyperthermia treatment at the Swiss Mountain Clinic.

These are the treatments you receive as part of your first-week package:

Swiss Mountain Clinic treatments

Your doctor will prescribe a second, personalized week based on your diagnostics at the end of your first week. I have negotiated a significant discount for your second week (see above).

If you stay for two weeks, you get a COMPLIMENTARY Oligoscan.

It tells you the levels of your minerals (which you need) and also heavy metals (which you don’t want in your body). For each mineral and heavy metal, it indicates whether you’re in the green, yellow, or red zone,

If you come for one week, you can still get an Oligoscan for about $175 USD.

If I fly to Milan, I would like to stay for two weeks to have the full experience!

It helps to have someone like me there who speaks fluent English, as not all the practitioners do, and I’ve been there many times and answered many questions.

I’m also happy to discuss your questions about health with you one-on-one.

Arrive at Milan (MPX) airport on Sunday, Nov. 10, or one of the two following Sundays, and your 90-minute chauffeur to and from the clinic will be provided as part of your stay.

(If you come at a different time, expect about $200 for a cab, and the clinic will call for you each way.)

See you on November 10, at the Milan airport! Or, if you’re reading this later or can’t go, check out this page, as some of my colleagues want to run a retreat and experience INUSpheresis for themselves.

I hope to see you, hike outside, sit on the patio overlooking the beautiful valley in the sunshine, and get to know you!

Swiss Mountain Clinic with Robyn Openshaw

Thank you for your support of this blog. This small business may benefit from some of the links we share.

Photograph of Robyn Openshaw, founder of Green Smoothie GirlRobyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.

Swiss Mountain Clinic- Robyn Openshaw - GreenSmoothieGirl

Posted in: Detox, Health Concerns, Holistic Care, Lifestyle, Natural Remedies, Preventive Care

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